Proctect Your Dataone Broadband

hack some one's modem password

The thread is about changing the modem's default access PW.

I had given two users ID and PW who have not
changed their modem's default password.
Step 1; Get the present dynamic IPof the user ( or try a random IP )

Step2 : try admin admin ( usual default User Id and password)

Step 3: If successful
open WAN page
Check if in PPPoE mode user ID and password.

If "Bridged" mode cannot get userID PW.
( Airtel/MNL telephone number usually is the user ID )

Step 5. Decode the user's
password. ( explained to @sahyadri)

Now the experiment ends ! and my posts here also ends!
@essbebe, I am aware of the subject of this thread. Anyways, good to hear that the experiment ends..! :D
