Section 377

  • Thread starter Thread starter warthog
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no problem...everyone has a view for every other person...let it be...i think this topic should be halted here as it isnt leading to anything productive, only unnecessary furore...a man's nectar can be another's poison...generalizing isnt a solution...guess that says it...leave it for now
Why are you ppl wsting your time with this troll ?He's been resoundly kicked earlier on in this thread. Just attention whoring.
So the person who creates the thread is a troll now.will you defend that the prevalence of AIDS is highest in homosexuals.will you defend that homosexuals are more likely to be child molesters and pedophiles.You cant cuz it is the truth.Homosexuality is nothing but a anomaly and to the user jokr3 who is quoting his own words and responding them.Read who was written what.also how does one being against same sex marriage is being racist.O i now will be called a bigot now.I am not against gays but for recognizing them as to identify them but i am definitely against same sex marriage and child adopted.admin lock this thread.You should have never bumped this controversial topic.Infact remove this thread from the politics forum
warthog, What happened to your appeal to reverse the decision that caused you make this thread :)Everything you've said here has been discussed already.Am not wasting time in some emotional argument with you and it is emotional because you have ZERO facts to back your case up.
So the person who creates the thread is a troll now.
Actually they are pointing to the fact that u as a troll for making controversial post just to get a lot of replies...

will you defend that the prevalence of AIDS is highest in homosexuals.

will you defend that homosexuals are more likely to be child molesters and pedophiles.

You cant cuz it is the truth.
Did u stop & think there might be a flip side to this coin? Aids spread more in homosexuals coz most gay men did not use condoms while having sex & having multiple partners used to be common in Gays... Condoms were mostly used as contraceptives which gay men felt they didnt need hence leading to higher transmission rates in Gays(we are talking about the 70s to 90s here)...
Also did u see the reason the % in the number of gays being pedophiles seem higher??? In that study any man molesting a male child was counted as being gay(this is totally not true & has been extensively proved)... As the number of male children molested has been much higher than female children it was but natural the % of pedophiles being gay increased a lot...

Homosexuality is nothing but a anomaly and to the user jokr3 who is quoting his own words and responding them.Read who was written what.
homosexuality is an anomaly present in not just humans but also in 100s of species in nature??? maybe if all those animals were also given past life regeneration or whatever u call it,it would cure them too???

also how does one being against same sex marriage is being racist.O i now will be called a bigot now.I am not against gays but for recognizing them as to identify them but i am definitely against same sex marriage and child adopted.

admin lock this thread.You should have never bumped this controversial topic.Infact remove this thread from the politics forum

Hmm so let me get this straight??? U are not against gays, U are just against them having a normal life or having happiness or having the rights any other normal citizen would have??? Did I get it all??? Nice one:urock:...

PS warthog u keep saying being gay is not natural but homosexuality is highly widespread in nature... Also u say homosexuality is bad coz its against our morals given by our elders... But those morals also included things like all girls should always wear pallus & women should not be allowed to work or talk to any male except there family members etc etc... Do u follow all these morals too in ur family??? Morals change with time remember that...

Actually they are pointing to the fact that u as a troll for making controversial post just to get a lot of replies....
Exactly, trolling in his own thread. We gave him the benefit of the doubt when he started it. But there has been zero movement in this space since gays were no longer deemed illegal. That was the end of it. No matter what warthog says the law does not agree with him anymore and its not going to change anytime soon.

But this kid has a big ego and does not accept reasoned arguments. These types of ppl take twice as long to learn. He usually goes for rhetoric and emotions 80% of the time when he gets owned. You cannot convince these kinds of ppl. Waste of time.

He's has his points in certain areas, so he's quiet when we agree but otherwise, oh no. :D
You don't have a tiniest bit of idea about what you are saying.You own logic doesn't correlate with your own views. Did you thought you will get a huge support by creating this thread?
And go Get a life.

Too bad he wont understand that point. He lives in his own bubble.

Am not wasting time in some emotional argument with you .
yup me too, so stopped replying. He's got his head in the sand way too deep.
Dear warthog (Junglee Sooar, translated literally)... Certified jackass much?Since I'm feeling particularly nice and in the mood to bait me some troll, you do know about the prevalence of Homosexuality in nature, right? No?Alright, how about the fact that homosexual people don't become a certain way. They remember always having been "this way". Now what would you say to that? What if someone enforced a sexuality that wasn't your own on you? Would you sleep with a guy tomorrow if society suddenly declared heterosexuality wrong?But I guess that's presumptuous. You're probably still a virgin. And (almost) willing to move out of your parents' basement. Almost.Doodh, get yourself a life. And laid.I DESPISE it when retards like you hide behind Indian Culture this and Sanskriti that when you talk about your century old views on everything. If you have such a big problem with the way our "Indianness" is going down the drain, go stop the corrupt and criminally insane instead of pulling opinions, facts and statistics out of your ass. Or I may just get someone to slap you across the face with a rubber dildo.P.s. There is statistical evidence to show that homophobes are closet homosexuals. It may be time to come out, dear boy. That flaccidity in your nethers may be because you're barking up the wrong tree.Sincerely,The light. :thumbsup:
