Section 377

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So in an hour or so you have made me to be a guy who doesn't get black humour,doesn't listen to others,no patience, only one with brains and in need of pity and luck in life and finally closed minded/regressive and annymously posting as arvind kerjiwal. Does it sum evrything up or like to add more?? Oh yeah peace.
in an full blown hour having 60 minutes and 3600 seconds , whole world can see that you chickened out ,didnt have any discussion at all other than talking shit and you yourself said you dont know nothing about gays , whole world is watching openly . peace
ishaan said:
no i dont know , because i am not angry , but i pity you :pleasantry: :playful:
maybe you know too much about gays , dont know how though
@ishaan, you can have your opinions and are free to express it but not at the cost of violating someone else's freedom or commenting on them. There is no book or set of rules which define what is natural and what is unnatural, rather its us mortal humans who does that.
Human rights, free will , and any other point being raised are not different issues all applies here because they are denied so. The reason Beastality is immoral and illegal is because you are causing HARM to other animal (since no Dog/Cow/Hen would want yo have Sex with YOU). Do you know any way to ask animals can be asked if they are being screwed with will or not? It is simply like asking young child to do so, they don't know WHAT you are asking for so it doesn't matter.
Homosexuality is very well understood and explainable topic in Humans & other animals (e.g. Dogs, Mice, Lions). There is none so ever problem in that, it could be genetics, mental or physical thing. Also it is completely natural act and hence there is no point in curing it. What can be done is, Conversion therapy and that to against the will of person under treatment. You are right about lots of gays don't want to remain gay, similar to lots of Fat people don't want to remain Fat, people who have Epilepsy don't want to remain epileptic and so on; The reason we don't treat them equally by one way or another if we can stop this they will and want to remain as they are.
Everybody knows about gays because they are around us as Friends, Family or Strangers. We need to change our way of thinking, if something is written on some book written by someone ages ago there is no point in believing and following it. Otherwise Earth would have been still Flat (instead of Oblate spheroid) and it would have remained center of Universe. People born with multiple heads or any other body parts would be considered product of witchcraft and Leprosy would have been incurable and wrath of Gods.
I hope there is nothing personal here just to spread awareness. I have seen best of my friends treated inhumanly by their families just because they are Homosexual, preventing them from crying, wasting life or do suicide would have been all possible if somebody could understand and support them. Period.
ishaan said:
in an full blown hour having 60 minutes and 3600 seconds , whole world can see that you chickened out ,didnt have any discussion at all other than talking shit and you yourself said you dont know nothing about gays , whole world is watching openly . peace
An hour having 60 minutes and 3600 seconds if you are adding you may have got it wrong then again my maths was never good also didn't know the world was tuning in last i checked 900-1000 users are usually online in this forum of which 3 were currently viewing this thread. i do agree i do not anything about gays expect the fact why they are called gays.
Irony, a post that suggests race for growing e-penis on a gay rights thread.
Okay Okay i will stop.

If some party is planning to introduce free sex and porn legal, then I will vote for it.
