Section 377

  • Thread starter Thread starter warthog
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Oh so when its not legal, a drunk/deprived/retard gay will not try it , he will worry that its legal or not . LOGIC FAIL

I knew someone will put this counter argument. That is what the whole point is, trying to apply logic in everything. Like trying to apply science in everything.

If science says its wrong then ban it. If science says nothing wrong then scrap the law/ban. BUT they always forget that science fails repeatedly. Science keeps changing its assumptions, logic, formula and inventions etc.

You cant apply science to every natural things. What is natural thing to do here we already know. Science is nothing but trying to figure out why something happens in nature. Science is NEVER complete. Yet science is always referred too.

Abt my argument abt drunk/deprived/retard gay. An elephant with 2 chains is more safe than elephant with 1 chain. And its abt conscience. (Now dont try to apply logic of 2chains and ask for banning straight ppl too to avoid rape)


Are you a retard or something ? The American Psychological Association has ruled Homosexuality is not an illness and CANNOT be cured . So if not treatment what do you suggest ? Should they be Flogged ? Burned ? Thrown off a cliff

Its not abt throwing them off or punishing them. Its abt something which is not natural. Its abt encouraging something by declaring it to be LEGAL.

If person is gay then he is anyway going to find partner, legal or not. But when law is there it wont encourage others.
I am pretty sure a drunk/deprived/retard guy wouldnt worry about conscience , this has nothing to do with science , logic is much bigger than science , it is what separates us from animals

Also the entire argument is incorrect , rape is STILL illegal irrespective of who does it . And are you really worried about someone raping you ? Its a proven fact that men possess more physical acumen than women hence in a depraved state rapes take place but do you really feel the same would apply to men ?

And would that increase rapes ? Denmark has legalized homosexuality since 1989 and the rape rate there is 11.23 compared to 37.20 in the US (per 100,000)


Its not abt throwing them off or punishing them. Its abt something which is not natural. Its abt encouraging something by declaring it to be LEGAL.

If person is gay then he is anyway going to find partner, legal or not. But when law is there it wont encourage others.
My argument was for warthog who suggested
ban homos from the face of india and force them to go to psychiatric treatment
Making something legal doesnt necessarily mean its being promoted , i dont know about the latest amendments but till 2007 , watching p0rn wasnt illegal , does this mean the government encourages us to watch porn ?
Going by your argument, we should legalize (or how the so called liberals put it...\"decriminalize\"?) prostitution as well. That'll surely arrest the spread of AIDS, won't it? :p

It won't affect AIDS too much as public sex workers have more avenues to get clued up on the do's & donts compared to gays. However, what legalising prostitution WOULD do is end the abuse these people face on a regular basis by pimps. It would cut down on the criminal element within. How many rapes happen in Thailand per capita compared to this country ?

But i digress, the fundamental issue with your statement is that a person born gay does not choose to be so as opposed to a public sex worker. The latter can be helped by the govt. whilst the former are reduced to whatever their companions know.

That a person born this way is considered less equal than others and must conform to society's demands. These are the new "untouchables". Just like with caste they cant change the fact.

The whole argument that gays were being harassed by the police because of this law is too lightweight.

How would you know ?

And its not by the police but by the general public. Knowing a person is gay gives many opportunities for control & abuse when there is a section in the penal code that says punishment of 10 yrs.

Many times the threat is more scary than the punishment itself.

And since when was choosing your sexual preference a fundamental right. You can't bunch it up with the Right to equality (which says that the State cannot discriminate against a citizen on the basis of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion or place of birth according to Wikipedia....sexual preference is not mentioned anywhere).

Hah, i knew it was only a matter of time before someone mentioned this :)

Therefore taking into consideration the above, it then becomes legal to discriminate on any arbitrary basis ?

If you can discriminate no matter the caste, creed, sex, religon or race then you have breached those articles. That section 377 could and has been used to do this very thing is the reason it violates the right against discrimination or the right to equality and deserves to be struck off the penal code.

You can't start humping a cow in the middle of the road and say it's your fundamental right (...public display of affection is banned anyway). :p

All it means is there is no longer any legal problem with being gay.

Just so you ppl know i'm not gay myself. I've been fortunate in the past with knowing ppl that were and a lot of the basic concerns asked here were clarified to me. My views about them changed from fear to looking at it in a lighter way.

I was at a company dinner once when my manager's boss (who happened to be a lesbian) mentioned that famous comedian decided to come out of the closet. This was in NYC and i wondered what the big deal was. She told me it was risky as it would endanger company endorsements but as it turned out there was not much of a problem as expected. She mentioned that she herself would not be able to hold as high a position in other parts of the country due to her orientation. I replied that I was sorry to break the news that the US is not as advanced as Europe in these matters :)

I had gone to a gay nightclub once for a 'mixed' night. This means 'straights' allowed as well. I can tell you i've never seen so many hot women in one place before. A friend remarked this was mostly due to the fact that your avg, yob would not be caught dead in such a venue. That these women could relax without being hit upon by a hundred guys. Sometimes it was not certain whether they were women at all but, lookers they were :thumbsup:
from these posts i see those who support gay sex are hedonists,atheists.they know that when they die there is no afterlife so they are not bound by karma,they are infact creation of darkness.I was seeing the news where those pro gays were saying that this is the first step.YEah next i imagine would be same sex unions and then same sex marriage and then same sex couples adopting children.THis is total United nations propaganda.THey are the ones promoting sexual education for 6th grade students.They are totally devoid of ethics,morals and most imp of all a soul.whats good is that opponents of homos would come out in full force and hopefully SC would revoke this corruption that the HC has done.
You are right on where this is going without any of that UN crap. But i think same sex unions is less of an issue in this country as there are less benefits in comparison. Joint tax returns & social security especially in countries like the EU & the US.As you said this is India, we have only begun to 'decriminalise' and there is yet a long way to go. But its a good first step. Very good for a govt. that likes to be seen as 'inclusive'. It has done the bare minimum but also at the same time offered token opposition. A win-win situation :)But dont forget this only applies to Delhi for the moment, any timeline on when this will be nationwide ?I expect there will be serious opposition in some parts of the country. Question then becomes, do the states have the right to oppose what happened in Delhi ?

this post reminds me i need to set up a private discussion forum for regulars :S
Are you inane blrp?.Wait a minute you also support same sex unions and same sex marriage and gays in the military?seriously i will say again what i said in my us financial forumplz god plz get me outta here!
Wow. So much bigotry, hate and prejudice in one thread?!? You have outdone yourself this time, warthog. I think conspiracy theorists should be put behind bars. I don't know if putting gay people behind bars would help anyone, but putting bigots behind bars would surely make this world a happier place to live in.

As for legally the status of this judgment is that:
(a) It applies only to Delhi.
(b) It is open to High courts in other states to interpret s.377 in whatever way they want, though they might consider this judgment (and may either agree or totally disagree).
(c) It can still be appealed in the Supreme Court.
(d) We still have to see what the Parliament does.

As far as civility and the forum rules go, I think it's safe to say that there is no place for personal attacks here, so let's keep this discussion civil.

p.s. I think the Indian family died when the saas-bahu serials started. Not when two guys or two women kissed in the privacy of their own homes.
