Sify Broadband Service Charges!

man i pay 100 bux, phuk this @$$ hole$ , i am not going to pay anymore t this guy, even though the service is up 24 hrs adn he shows up hwen called but damn its my money. :angry:
Ive paid my CTO rs450 for the night package 128kbps , so i guess it makes 90 bucks "maintaince charge" as he`s termed it.
hey let us all mail these sify people , that we wont pay them anything as service charge to these CTO and its ther duty pay CTO's not us.
some already did that. and the reply they got was that CTO is entitled to ask for whatever he wants to ask.tell them instead to mention this on their website. as for the 75megs limit, this also is not included on the website.and well, mr. surjeet this statement of mine is based on facts. i have no intention to wrongly accuse sify of anything.
i know people paying 200rupee plus. :)

there should be standardization. the amount the cto charges should be same all over & yeah it shud be on their website, thanks to a noble soul here i came to know of the 75megs limit & promptly called up sify helpdesk & they confirmed it. It should be mentioned on the website atleast as there is nothing remotely resembling a sla.
Originally posted by frustrated@Dec 2 2004, 01:35 AM
there should be standardization. the amount the cto charges should be same all over  & yeah it shud be on their website, thanks to a noble soul here i came to know of the 75megs limit & promptly called up sify helpdesk & they confirmed it. It should be mentioned on the website atleast as there is nothing remotely resembling a sla.

There is no such thing as 75 meg limit Bcoz i download 450 meg evrynite , its a 6 hr limit per day, eother u use it in daytime or at nite B)
ultra vires there's no time limit on the 32 pack, just a 75 MB download limit after which your speed falls to around 20-25 kbps ;)
