Sify Broadband Sucks

Stick to dial-up till a reliable braodband provider emerges. This will take anywhere from 6 months to a year. also the 75 cut in leased line prices will add more competition. Have you asked for a refund? If so, ask for a refund of the installation charge aswell.
Hi Guys..I was away for quite some time now and was surprised to see this thread from a sify officer....I voted for I AM UNHAPPY with the connection because i really am unhappy...its that simple.....he cant fool me into thinking that i am not unhappy LOL ... :lol: Read this Mr.Sify_Officer... all the users in this forum are from diffrent parts of India... we have never actually met with each other or ever talked...Then how come we share something common or the fact that we have come together on this forum...The truth is we all had our share of frustrations from Sify...By saying that Sify has the Potential for becoming the number One ISP in India u are not wrong ,It has the potential and so does every other ISP but in the end it is us users who are going to decide that and not the ISPs....Its that Simple...Your presence here shows that Sify knows what it's Customers are going through....Now :lol: ..instead of trying to help us they send a stupid person like You to defend itself ...well thats dumb ....It really is.....The whole Jargon of statements and discussions till now has come to the conclusion that sify cheats its customers by a simple fact ...Advertising an LIMITED connection as UNLIMITED...There are a huge amount of things that i can write here regarding my frustrations with sify...An example being ...Before buying a 96KBPS pack for Rs995 in Jan i asked about 20 sify executives about what speeds i will gat ...all of them replied that i will get 12KBPS 24X7 basis....I was happy to hear that and took the pack....The truth is I got 2-3KBPS inn the DAY and 10KBPS in the night...Also ther were a ot of disconnections problems that i faced during the night....Your dialer is sh*tty too...It showed that i was logged in but i was not ...yes its true...That was the reason i came on this forum in January to se if other users had the same problems and They actually had the same problems too.....It was here that i received the best customer support ;) ... So in the end If any other ISP comes in my area like AIRTEL ...i will jump to it permanently ...Guys can anybody tell me when AIRTEL is going to come in MUMBAI?? Also MR.Sify_Officer .... If Sify Really improvees and I mean really improves ...u will find that It will be us guys who r right now voting for "I am Unhappy" actually voting for"Yes I like Sify"...but u for that u have to change and not us...You are being called an idiot because u r trying the other way around..heheh :lol: Also in a very rare event in this universe that u r getting 100kBps off sify then its probably because u dont have much ppl subscribing to sify in ur area .. :lol: If the number of users increase then u will know how frustarting it is to buy a 96KBps for RS995 and still get 2-3Kbps... now u know what i mean......Thanks to Sushubh (I spelled ur name correctly this time Sushubh) for starting this forum and imparting the truthful information to users about Sify...If their Advertis€m€nt is a lie then Sify"Broadband" is a lie too...... so no hard feelings here Mr_Sify Officer we want u to improve....Go back with this message...You have to improve to win our Hearts..and winning our hearts means becoming the No1 ISP.......I hope you got that... So like every good businessman will say " The Customer is Always Right"..hehe
Gaurav, I am trying to do the same thing on the Techwhack posts... These ISPs are a bunch of crappy loosers. Damn, I really wish that real development actually happens in India. Let's be a party poop and spoil everyone's party. Start with Sify. They screwed up your perception of what a decent internet should be. The f**kin media who goes bonkers about "broadband" in India.Then TRAI..a bunch of swingin monkeys who evolve once in a while to some intelligent life form and finally the sarkar who allows all these people to exist under the sun.I had earlier mentioned that it is a curse to be "intelligent". If you are dumb enough, there would be no reason to complain or to expect any kind of service for what you have paid for. Then strange..Sify pays some dingbat moron to come on in to these forums...They need to be exposed to influence the course of discussion in this place. Crappy low level make up of the worst order.
dont worry abhishek .... sify is exposed...the guy from sify himself is will be after all we ppl who will decide the best isp not the isps themselves.....Imagine their futile attempt of sending some guy here as a promoter of sify...Thanks to forums like these ppl will think before taking any connection....Unfortunately for users like me who do not have n alernative to sify in their area will have to live with it...But Sushubh has given good ratings to AIRTEL soon as airtel comes in mumbai i am subscribing... Can anybody tell me when is AIRTEL coming to mumbai?
as for the Airtel starting off their services in Mumbai seems to be remote. So much as I heard for their DSL services. You would be better placed for VSNL metro ethernet.This is not the place to discuss the same, still offering u information. Wait and watch. Airtel needs to up the speeds. Sushubh has to be happy because he has no more choice!

Originally posted by gauravtyagi@Mar 27 2005, 12:28 PM
Before buying a 96KBPS pack for Rs995 in Jan i asked about 20 sify executives about what speeds i will gat ...all of them replied that i will get 12KBPS 24X7 basis....I was happy to hear that and took the pack....The truth is I got 2-3KBPS inn the DAY and 10KBPS in the night...[snapback]7119[/snapback]
May be you were not downloading much so they might have cut your bandwidth
*bleep*Either you are insane, or they are.This kind of interference and making customers constantly run around is what sify seems to have learnt from VSNL. No other ISP subjects you to as much nonsense.
yo officer.. welcome back was wondering where you were>. :) guys, do you really think he is from sify? if he is well, then we have a person from sify advising us to change our ip address.. sweet.. let's all change our ip addresses and then phone the customer care and tell them that sify officer told us to do so :) officer, can we know your real name and also ur job within sify?
Abey Sify Ke Officer , That was a new pack ... Through out the momnth of January I got those speeds and not only me everyone does....Daytme its 2-3Kbps and at night 8-10kbps ....thats the truth....Maybe u did not get what i wrote .... in short u r really making a fool of yourself
