which is the fastest source for downloading stuff?


Airtel (512kbps)
hey ppl i was wonder which is the source from which we can get the max downloading speeds ??? We use P2P clients, normal websites sites, torrents etc ..... so which of these is the fastest ??????
Originally posted by mystery_inc18@Feb 11 2006, 07:58 PM
hey ppl i was wonder which is the source from which we can get the max downloading speeds ??? We use P2P clients, normal websites sites, torrents etc ..... so which of these is the fastest ??????

Torrents are the fastest. P2P clients comes second.
How can torrents be faster than HTTP ?!
torrents can be faster than http coz http would depend upon the speeds of the servers and the load it is handling. torrents have more sources of getting data so the chances of getting bottlenecked are low. but it all depends upon how many seeds are there. technically BT should be faster...
^^ Sure, if there are plenty of seeds/peers it should. You're 100% correct there.-But i doubt if he had a T3 to test his speed.... for the speeds we get in India, if the same file/or whatever it maybe is available in all the protocols mentioned above, i would certainly prefer HTTP.
considering legit content is normally under a lot of pressure and illegit content is not easily available on http... bt is the way to go. i had personally prefer http too considering it is easier on the system with no uploads required. but in the longer run, p2p has to be the solution. i had really like if Microsoft starts to officially make available their patches and softwares for download using p2p. but i guess they would force the users to use avalanche for that ;)

besides if you are downlaoding from proper torrents ( like linux iso's ) theres very very less chance that ur downlaoded stuff will be even a bit corrupted . I never got the md5 sum of iso correct after i downloaded it from http (but they workked anyway )so i always use torrents for this stuff now as it does hash check on each peice and redownloads only a small peice if corrupted ;)
heh i used to get corrupted file downloads when i used to use either getright or dap. flashget has been pretty good to me.
ya even i used to get corrupted downloads on dap. but after switching to flashget, havent had any problems so far.
take a big 500-600 mb iso(linux or any) and download it in parts , pause it in between for many many times and also ur net may get disconnected in between some times . The md5 of file u downloaded will not match to the one give on site for sure (though iso will work ) :P Thats why i use torrents only for iso
