ACT broadband in Chennai

Arumbakkam/Anna Nagar is not in the list. Hopefully they start here soon.
Hope the connection remains reliable like Airtel.
I need faster upload speeds. What's the point in having Full HD recording in camera & phones and take eons to back it up to the cloud.
Yes. The connection has been rock solid since I got them. Let's hope they continue to keep this up.
If anybody wants pings/ traceroutes, let me know.
ACTian, please consider providing services to Old Mahabalipuram Road (sholinganallur). YOU broadband serves only till Tiruvanmiyur. There is no proper ISP here giving good speeds. This area, being a IT hub in Chennai, needs a good broadband service.
uberjon said:
Yes. The connection has been rock solid since I got them. Let's hope they continue to keep this up.
If anybody wants pings/ traceroutes, let me know.
Can u ping for me ? ty also any idea when it will be available here in Thiruvanmiyur and are u facing frequent downtime ? if so how good is the CC

Vinodh Shekhar said:
Can u ping for me ? ty also any idea when it will be available here in Thiruvanmiyur and are u facing frequent downtime ? if so how good is the CC
Sure thing.
C:>ping with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=159ms TTL=111Reply from bytes=32 time=159ms TTL=111Reply from bytes=32 time=159ms TTL=111Reply from bytes=32 time=158ms TTL=111Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 158ms, Maximum = 159ms, Average = 158msNo idea about availability though. No downtime so far. CC is, like all ISPs CC, clueless! LOL! ACT has throttled my speed & CC insists that I have crossed my limit, even though their own portal says otherwise. Their billing system can't make this mistake, they say.
According to me, Airtel also adds a few GBs to your usage & I'm guessing that ACT does the same thing, except they forgot to add this phantom usage to the portal!!
Response to emails is very, very slow. They take days to respond.

If my line ever fails & they take more than a couple of hours to rectify it, I WILL probably cancel ACT & go back to Airtel. I value reliability over speed.
I don't think Airtel adds a few GBs randomly to our usage. It only happened to me once, knock wood.
Every morning and evening, I compare the usage from the BW meter I have, with Airtel smartbytes page. Airtel consistently records marginally higher data so when the month ends, the difference is in excess of around 3GB. But, what's to say that the meter I've installed, records correctly? I guess there will be margin for errors on both sides.
balajik said:
I don't think Airtel adds a few GBs randomly to our usage.
Oh, they do. And I referred to them as phantom GBs, not random GBs. LOL! Quite a few posts on this forum mention this too. But I've accepted this. Let's leave it at that.
The fibre cable was cut because of a festival nearby. The main disadvantage of having overhead cables :sad: .
Unfortunately, they can only fix it tomorrow. HMMMMMMM. Do I cancel ACT?
uberjon said:
Oh, they do. And I referred to them as phantom GBs, not random GBs. LOL! Quite a few posts on this forum mention this too. But I've accepted this. Let's leave it at that.
The fibre cable was cut because of a festival nearby. The main disadvantage of having overhead cables :sad: .
Unfortunately, they can only fix it tomorrow. HMMMMMMM. Do I cancel ACT?
We apologize for the inconvenience. Kindly share your customer ID so that our team can help you in resolving the issue ASAP. We assure you that the issue will get resolved at the earliest.
ACT Broadband
