Airtel BB Down for the last 5 days.

You might require an ONT change if you are using the standard Airtel ONU as PPPoE. My Sercomm gets ragged at 80% CPU usage with just 2 PPPoE connections at 300Mbps.
ZTE ONU is more flexible and powerful.
Thx for that input @Lolita_Magnum I am not sure what they'll offer. The last time I upgraded to 1 gig they offered a Dasan. Let me see what comes up this time.
Just to add, I am not using PPPoE, it's on a static IP now with a bridged port. Of course the default PPPoE/TR-089 connections run in parallel
@nishantt6969 pardon my idiocy but what does 'OG' mean bro? ;) Anyways, the last time around I told asked them if the Dasan had hardware buttons to control wifi and the LEDs. They said no it does not and that's why I refused a replacement. I prefer the Nokia over the Dasan mainly because of these reasons plus it looks better than those fugly alternative routers on offer (to my eyes of course) and hey last but not the least the Dasan is bigger too and does not have the compact footprint the Nokia does. I am perfectly happy to retain the Nokia. The Dasan may be superior technical specs wise though.
my bad op* over powered.

@nishantt6969 what do you mean by over powered? You mean it can handle 1 gig easily? Remember I am not so bothered about wifi as I have my own APs and of course the pfSense internet gateway to do all the heavy lifting.
Also, airtel uses Nokia OLTs (till 2021, now new cities getting zte, Huawei OLTs), nokia ONT will perform much better than any other ONT as OLT is of nokia only.
