Airtel is big f***ers. They are investing in submarine cable for another country.

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5. Airtel needs to have cable systems to india then why is it investing in Unity and Asia-America Gateway ...Wtf is wrong wid EASSy (cable system)?
when they doesnt even land in india? That means they are much interested in Expanding Biz in other countries!

Say what you will about Airtel (and boy I can say a lot), but Airtel's only obligations are to its shareholders, not to the nation.
heh yeah. that's true. they have to please their investors. just that. like any public company on this planet.
Say what you will about Airtel (and boy I can say a lot), but Airtel's only obligations are to its shareholders, not to the nation.
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This will be a good thing, IMO - capacity won't increase but it should drive down prices a little bit.

I think they're aim is capacity building for new outsourcing projects like LPO's and stuff rather than residential users.
This is quite a strange development since when they started building their submarine cable to link chennai, they were blaming Airtel and others of high bandwidth prices (to be more precise claiming that 10X rates comparing to world prices). Lets see what pricing now comes in future considering a Milkers is also on the board !

Hardly strange - haven't you ever heard of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"?. If Pacnet had anyone to complain about, it would be Tata/VSNL, since they still hold the monopoly on landing stations, but by world standards, the cost of bandwidth in India *is* quite high. Not as high as bandwidth on the Southern Cross cable, but still high compared to, say, any of the US-Europe links.

Say what you will about Airtel (and boy I can say a lot), but Airtel's only obligations are to its shareholders, not to the nation.

It's the same with all companies, however if a company can do good and still make a healthy profit, why shouldn't it opt for that route?

heh yeah. that's true. they have to please their investors. just that. like any public company on this planet.

...Hayai also. But we think we will be able to achieve that delicate balance of being a good, responsible company whilst still keeping the shareholders happy.

I think they're aim is capacity building for new outsourcing projects like LPO's and stuff rather than residential users.

Good. This opens up opportunities for companies like Hayai, Fivenet and others.

Airtel is just making money by investing for other country. It does not care about India.
Money goes where it gets the best return. The only thing that airtel should care about is profit and how to make the most of it. They are not a charity nor are they a govt entity. They are a PRIVATE COMPANY !

Why aren't you asking why no foreign telecom companies have come to set up shop in India ? What is stopping them. They think we are hand to mouth or govt is putting too many restrictions because of 'national security'. A nice excuse to protect indian telcos from any real competition and us from getting better service at lower rates.

See, its too much trouble to do this, much easier is to blame airtel for exercising its own choice.

Recently, I heard airtel has launched in 16 african countries with bangladesh. It makes money in india and earn more by investing it into another project.
Their money, all legal. What is your problem ?

Do you think Indian companies should be banned from investing abroad. How would you like it if someone else told you what and what not to do with your money.

i have been saying it for a long time now. airtel is funding their global expansion by looting their indian customers.
I see, so what happens when they loot those customers as well ?

if i am to trust what i see on twitter, the company has launched very affordable services in the african markets to take on the existing players.

rivals are struggling to match the pricing and are stating in media that the price war is not going to sustain for long if they have to remain profitable.
So would they get their govt to slap airtel with some sort of suit for being an unfair foreigner.
Money goes where it gets the best return. The only thing that airtel should care about is profit and how to make the most of it. They are not a charity nor are they a govt entity. They are a PRIVATE COMPANY !

Why aren't you asking why no foreign telecom companies have come to set up shop in India ? What is stopping them. They think we are hand to mouth or govt is putting too many restrictions because of 'national security'. A nice excuse to protect indian telcos from any real competition and us from getting better service at lower rates.

I agree not letting in foreign players was a good decision. Capping FDI initially is very important for letting domestic companies to go. Otherwise all we would hav seen would have been foreign companies.

See, its too much trouble to do this, much easier is to blame airtel for exercising its own choice.

Do you think Indian companies should be banned from investing abroad. How would you like it if someone else told you what and what not to do with your money.

It is good for Indian companies to get established abroad. It helps the economy indirectly.
