Confusion - WiMax Broadband or 3G USB Stick?


Life is So Busy Now
Hi Friends,I am a bit confused. Please help me on this -Currently i am using TATA WiMax Broadband (750kbps @ Rs 1750/mth - I have that in their Unlimited Plan)Is it any good for me to move to VODAFONE 3G USB Stick (3.6mbps) @ just Rs 600/mth - it is Unlimited Plan as well?(of course both will have some max cap applied but anyway, i am not going to touch that max usage limit)But if i see economically, 3G USB stick is much more cheaper than what i pay for 750kbps (but just no hassle of any disconnectivity at all) - almost never disconnects.Do you think, 3G USB Stick from Vodafone (or any other operator) will give me same efficiency (of almost no disconnection?) and it gives higher speed with less price.My priority is LESS (almost no) DISCONNECTION but price is a major factor too!Do you suggest me to move over to 3G USB Stick by quitting my existing TATA WiMax connection? Is it good to shift over?
