Diagnose Mtnl Triband Broadband Problems

only god can help you in rectifying mtnl fault, lolwrite email to your area manager describing your issue. Do not blame him instead write against your Jr Engg, and linemans. if this doesnt work then fwd same mail to your GM but after 2-3 days and if this too doesnt work thne read first line of my reply again lol.
@jymn2005: DSL-495 Combo plan has a download speed of 320kbps (40 Kilobytes/s).You might have been on a higher download speed plan prior to changing to 495 combo plan that's why you were getting 100kB/s before MTNL capped your speed.You can't do much now as MTNL promises a minimum of 80% of the plan's maximum download speed which turns out to be 32kB/s in your case.
@ logiccool
Hey thanks for your suggestion mate. Will surely try it out!!

@ zeo
No re!! I have taken a plan for the first time.....no changeover in my case!! And even if it is a changeover, then does it take 3 odd months to realise?? See, i am not asking this to you as such, but then, my case is not of a changeover....:). There should not be any possibility of such a situation you mentioned.
As logiccool mentioned, i am going to mail it to my area manager, just to see if anything churns out!!

Thanks for your replies!!

---------- Post added at 01:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 AM ----------

And 1 more fact i would just like to mention - 1 of their call-centre lady gave me a similar reason. But when i said to her that i was not a case of changeover, she had no answer to it, and she also said the same thing - "I will forward your complaint to my senior"....Lolz!!

And even if that changeover theory was right, then what about the uploads? That speed is as intact as ever!! Its just that my downloads have been capped to 30%.
MTNL is utter useless......I am in Mumbai, and i too am having similar problems.

I am on DSL 495 Combo plan since June 25, 2010. Upto September 20, i consistently got a download speed of 100 Kilobytes per second. And from that date onwards, it hardly averages 30 Kilobytes per second. However, my Upload speeds have not been affected at all. I cant understand what these people are doing.
I called up their helpline no. and they said it is a line problem. And still no one has even come to check the wiring and all. I had even complained to TRAI. But even they arent responding. It seems they are the agents of these Profiteering telecom players. I configured everything as they had instructed me.
Despite repeated complaints, they sent peon like guys 2-3 times only at my place, and they only gave 1 standard reply - "I will forward your complaint to my senior" (Of course in Hindi). Can someone help me in solving my issue??
I believe it is the correct speed you are getting now. Their default speed is 2 mbps and that is the speed you get for most of their data limited plans. However, there is slow co-ordination between their various departments and here we users benefit. From June to September, you have got speed far higher than you are contracted for. Finally, they have set your speed correctly.
I suggest that you use the speed test link on MTNL's website itself. Run the test with all other downloads turned off. This test will give you the speed with reasonable accuracy and you'll see you are getting the right speed. Do not compare with what you were getting till September as it is not a legally valid argument.

---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

just wanted to know - whenever any MTNL linesman comes personally to check the line or replace something does any one of u give some chai paani charges to them
I don't recollect ever paying a single paisa to anyone from MTNL. I may possibly have paid something when my broadband was just installed. I don't remember because it was long ago. But I have never paid them since. In fact surprisingly I find that they are concerned if you tell them that you have the choice of shifting to another ISP.
Paying those guys spoils them. Once you are known to be a payer, they will want to show you they are doing you favours by screwing with your line and then responding to fix it so that you pay them. If you are not identified as that type, they never screw up your line
DaddycoolOk, thanks for your tip bro.....but i have still already complained to them, let me see what happens with that :) !!
And even if that changeover theory was right, then what about the uploads? That speed is as intact as ever!! Its just that my downloads have been capped to 30%.

BTW the upload speed is 256 kbps for all plans AFAIK

Hello experts, In dire need of some help here. My Mtnl unlimited 512 kbps was working fine until a week ago. Since then , I am unable to load videos on most sites (online videos) , also several sites wont open at all - I have to hit refresh several times and then they load up. However sites like youtube load up immediately with no lag. Is this a DNS issue ? How do I change it ?Also , my speeds on speedtest.net seem same as before however pingtest.net shows my line quality as C. I am getting a ping of 168 ms on this site. Manual pings to other sites are giving me 300ms+ ping times. Packet loss is none / negligible. tried the 1504 helpline, they said all fine at their end. Please advice asap.
Yash, i do not know the solution of your problem.....someone else may help you out....But i wanted to tell you, that in recent times there have been numerous issues with MTNL. If you go through the previous posts, you will see my problem of speed falling drastically, and no response from MTNL.To add to the woes, that drastically reduced speed has reduced further by about 50% in the last 2-3 days.It seems that the MTNL people are watching this thread, and punishing the subscribers who complain about low speeds, by further reducing their speed!!After i called them up today, finally 1 person "Rane" has promised me that he will send an engineer at my residence tomorrow. Lets see what happens, i will keep updating if any1 wants to know how they work.....Really, do let me know, if you want to know what happens next....PS: Its sounding like a daily soap, isnt it??
@Jaymin-I had serious frequent disconnection issues with my MTNL triband connection in end Aug-early Sept. This after many years of trouble-free service. It took me a while with telephonic follow-up with 3 different people in MTNL. Finally my problem was resolved after they changed a cable in their network.Oct 27th late night once again my line went down. I complained on 198 yesterday morning. Someone from MTNL called later in the day to find out if the problem was still there. We said yes. Later at night when I returned and tried, my connection is working fine again. Less than 24 hours to fix it. Apart from the problem I had last month, I have been fairly happy with MTNL and I never had to interact much with their CC. My recent experience with them makes me believe that I can get decent service from the guys at my exchange at least if I approach in the right way.Also you mention several threads mention the lowered speed of MTNL. Could you post a link to your own thread? Most of the complaints I have heard are of people who were getting much higher speed but are now getting what they paid for and are saying MTNL sucks.
