Few questions about Reliance Wireline (Broadband) internet

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Just when i praised them yesterday.....2 things happened - 1 Xtremely good, & 1 very bad -
The good - In the late afternoon, say abt after 4pm, i dont how, but in round about 45 mins, 1.4GB of data was downloaded!!;
That is on my 300 kbps connection!! I m VERY MUCH SERIOUS GUYS - I DONT DRINK!!

The bad - A little time after that i had to disconnect to allow the usage of Internet from other PC......where the connection was broken down completely.
And since then, theres "Limited or no connectivity" on it!!

Rite now i m accessing with my Dial-up like MTNL connection.

PS: i dont think its disconnected due to that sudden windfall of 1.4 GB.....coz the CC told me they will solve my issue ASAP. And such windfalls have happened in the past as well!!

Will update as soon as the connection is restored!!
congrats. your connection is 4mbps to download 1.4GB data in 45 minutes ;)
Admin...Yep truly. Coz under normal circumstances, i download that in a whole day - ie, about 13-14 hours of "On-time" of my PC.So i think, even if they have such downtimes like 1 rite now, i think its a great bet to have, given the fact that these types of windfalls do come in our way!!I will mention it again - i have chosen only the 300 kbps plan, and not even giving them any "Under the Table" amount to do this :) !!!
The FINAL update on my issue - PLEASE DONT MISS IT -

The technicians came up by 11:30 today - a really good signal as far as CC is concerned.

There was no fault whatsoever wth their service.;

It was a very silly reason - The connection cable on the Terrace of our society was a little dislocated, due to the "Diwali cleaning activities" done up there!!

So they can be given a clean chit!! Lets see if i get another windfall or not now!
Yeah, with good connection, and to add to it there are some "Diwali Goodies" as well....you must have read some of my last few posts - 1.4 GBs in around 45 mins......not regularly, but happened once yesterday!!And i m still to get my new separate Reliance connection as yet - may be they will be coming by Diwali. This is from my current Relliance connection, from the other PC!!330kbps, with such high speeds, and that too for 450pm, is not bad at all.....A Really Happy Diwali for me!!PS: Wish you all a Happy 1 as well :) !!

Friends, i think this is a feature in Reliance......When you have a well seeded torrent on download - it sometimes gives you insanely high speeds.
As i had already mentioned - 1.4 GB in about 45 mins previously.....
Now yesterday also, that same torrent gave me a peak of 5,884kBps, and an average of about 4 MBps again, for 10-15 mins!!

Its just amazing when you realise that you pay for only 300 kbps connection, and still you get such windfalls of 4 MBps in between!!
PS: (MBps.....yes, its Capital 'B'....it is Megabytes per second - coz AFAIK, the speed graph in utorrent shows data in bytes)
OMG! 1.4GB in 45 mins.????And your connection speed is 4 Mbps not 4MBps1400MB in 45 mins = 31 MB(Approx.) in One minute = 1 MB in 2 Seconds = 512 KB in One Second = 512KBps = 4 Mbps....isn't it??
I havent calculated it myself - and it appears tricky, especially when you have Big exams standing right at your doorsteps!! But the fact is -

1) What i mentioned about 1.4 GB in 45 mins - is a VERY TRUE FACT....
2) Then another post mentioning a Peak speed of 5,884 kBps too, is very much true - i saw it in the Speed Graph of utorrent.
3) Now, a third new fact of today - for a few minutes (dont remember how many) I again got an average of about 3800+ kBps - again the Speed graph said that!!

And it is even evident from the "Statistics" of the software, and the Percentage of the file that has been downloaded!!

So, believe me, this is no bluff!!
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