MTNL Delhi MTNL Delhi updates its pre-FUP speeds to 8mbps minimum for all plans

Thanks for finding that sync rate, it clears things up. :p

I am afraid to say, but you already know the line quality is terrible, due to which you have such a poor sync rate. At 42dBm attenuation, ideally you can have a sync rate as high as 8.5Mbps without major issues. However, you are doing only 2.3Mbps, what is worse is your SNR is an extremely low 6.4dB, anything under 6dBm means no connectivity possible. There is so much interference/noise that there is literally no space left for more bandwidth.

Unless MTNL cleans up your line of this noise/interference there is no way you will get anything better. Being MTNL, the sun would probably have to rise in the North before they ever did that.
The downstream rate would only change if they choose to do it for you. Basically think of it as your tap, if its full open its capacity is probably of 500ml/second but since you control how much to open you get the speed of 100ml/sec but if the tap's filter isn't clean you will not even get 100ml/sec and probably around 80ml/sec

The way you control how much of the tap to open, MTNL controls how much speed to provide you. They limit you to a certain speed, downstream rate reflects how much of maximum speed they are giving you. Right now they have limited you to 2mbps by adding the downstream limit of 2300kbps. When you talk to them request them to try higher downstream rate and see if its works, tell them they have not increased your speed at all.

Your router's downstream is more or less constant. (+/- 100-200kbps) So as of now you will see between 2200-2400kbps anytime you check. Consider that much of the variable speed. This doesn't reflect your exact download speed but how much your ISP is giving you. It will only change when MTNL choose to do so. Now if you check at your speed should be close to 2mbps.
When MTNL changes/upgrade your downstream rate you will see higher speed, so lets say they decide you are worthy of their 8mbps, you will see 8000kbps+ on your downstream rate. And because of your physical restrictions you will not get 8mbps but should be between 6-8mbps. But you get the idea, don't you?

So to be clear, your router will always show the same speed as long as you are in a particular speed plan. Unless and until you are upgraded to higher or lower speed.

P.S. : MTNL usually like to call downstream rate as 'data rate' so when you talk to them tell them data rate is low and hasn't been upgraded, if they say you can't get high speed because of shitty line tell them to try as i said before. If that fails you have a valid reason to rattle their higher ups and demand your line be upgraded so that you can get something close to 8mbps. If it comes down to line upgrade, MTNL being slow and least bothered keep patience and expect at least 2 months to get this done.
Err.. sorry your description would be valid if his line was totally clear of any interference. If MTNL were to some how increase his sync rate to anything over what it currently is, his SNR will dip below 6dBm. That will simply lead the modem to keep dropping sync as the SNR is too low. The is too much noise/interference on his line for there to be any more usable bandwidth, unless they remove that nothing is going to change.
Haha, sorry it took a while. I had no idea the sync rate was simply the downstream rate.
According to @demonicult my speed is being held back, which according to MTNL cannot be any higher in my area.

@demonicult Thanks, that explanation makes a lot of sense. I seriously expected these buggers to have tried this on their own. I wonder if they've tried it with other customers and so already know it's not possible? Or are they just giving me the shaft? I don't see any reason why though, when I first started with MTNL it was 512 kbps, and they automatically bumped it to 1 mbps, and then 2 mbps. I don't know too many of my neighbors, it's all kothis out here and people keep to themselves inside their walled gardens, but whoever I have asked seem to use dongles or smaller re-sellers.

Like we all already know, the worst part is their customer service, pr, and communication relay in general. No one can actually tell me what is the exact status of any upgradation work. Will try to get some answers this week.
Not really, if they did increase your speed, it would affect your stability and usability. DSL modems are designed to keep 6dBm as the lowest the SNR, your modem is currently at 6.4dBm anything under 6 is deemed "unstable" at which point if the target sync rate is not achieved, the modem will simply keep try to achieve it, leading to a virtually endless loop of re-syncs.

There is a reason why in DSL your speed is distance dependent, in your case the distance is good, however the quality of the line is poor, effectively reducing the usable bandwidth.
I decided to check the SNR rates again and interestingly when I opened the page I saw these numbers with a higher SNR.


However, when I did the diagnostic test again the new results showed a lower SNR.


Sorry, I forgot to crop the first image.

Yup, that is typically what happens due to external interference. DSL or any other form of communication will suffer from attenuation i.e loss of signal as it travels over a medium. If the line were properly insulated and the joints done in a proper manner, these "other forms" of interference wouldn't be able to interact with your actual DSL signal, in that case you would see a stable number for attenuation and the rest of the stats.

If the numbers go too far out of order, the modem will have no choice but to drop connection and re-sync again. Its like playing dodge ball with the interference at all times.

All these number work hand in hand to give the whole picture, if one is affected it will also affect the others in an equal proportion. You can't treat any one as mutually exclusive of the others.
Wow 8Mbps no change to tariff that is awesome but as someone else previously said "technical feasibility" is a big thing.
Have they implemented the change or will it happen next month because i am currently getting my normal speed?
Err.. sorry your description would be valid if his line was totally clear of any interference. If MTNL were to some how increase his sync rate to anything over what it currently is, his SNR will dip below 6dBm. That will simply lead the modem to keep dropping sync as the SNR is too low. The is too much noise/interference on his line for there to be any more usable bandwidth, unless they remove that nothing is going to change.
Ya I replied to him in this thread that he would face disconnections a lot if his line is bad. So I suggested him he can try to stretch his luck to the maximum possible by requesting them to test 8mbps then 6mbps then 4mbps etc. until he receives a non-disconnecting line.
Wow 8Mbps no change to tariff that is awesome but as someone else previously said "technical feasibility" is a big thing.
Have they implemented the change or will it happen next month because i am currently getting my normal speed?

Are you in Delhi? What I've been told is that you have to stay within 1.5 KM of an exchange to get up to 8 mbps speed.
