MTNL Mumbai MTNL Throttling speed or just overload of infrastructure

  • Thread starter Thread starter Satyajeet
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Dont say that.... MTNL has the most subscribers..... so there will be more people having problems than other ISP's..... but that doesnt make it bad...... percentage wise...... it will be proportional to other ISP's in customer compalints.......

That Ericsson IP 59.182.x.x ....... has timeout problems on some IP range..... I had same one..... u should try to get IP in 59.182.0.x - 59.182.14.x range OR 59.182.48.x - 59.182.63.x....... I use to use these IP ranges to remove the timeout problems..... Try it
Well, its true that MTNL has most subscriber but i seriously wonder how long the subscribers will stick with MTNL after witnessing the awesome customer support LOL :D
Tried of complaining to mousies and kakas, Switching to Airtel, i hope it is a good choice.

I am also at my wits end, today a lines man came and well he looked up my line all was fine, then he checked my splitter it apprantly had some carbon so he removed the splitter and put the telephone cable directly into the wall jack. It started working fine again but for only 30mins and everything was back to square 1. I am not even able to log another complaint since they have not closed the last one.
I got my port changed to Sotl. 120.61.x.x series.
It seems more stable than ericsson but it does seem to have terrible random packet loss combined with ping spikes.

I was wondering if this has anytning to do with sra and bitswap?
Panzer x720 and other senior members please any idea on this?
(Line stat is fine snr margin 30 and line attenuation 30 also snr margin keeps on jumping from 29.7 to 32.5 or anywhere in between and other way round..does this indicate anything? I think router page loads slower when this occurence takes place)
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SRA and bitswap help improve stability in poor line conditions. They won't fix timeouts.

From what I can remember, bitswap is for G.DMT only and I dunno if mtnl supports sra.

What does a typical ping -t to Google look like?
My laptops ethernet drivers has issue so right now cannot check pings
But i snr margin seem to be stable from 11 pm onwards yesterday.meaning it isnt fluctuating from 33 to 30 but lingering around 32.7-32.8-32.6 region which seem normal. This may mean that again the issue is with their card? [Maybe its not electrical disturbanvce at my home or line as ericsson wasnt fluctuating at all or could it be Sotls segments([if they have a different path than that of ericcsson) but that also looks unlikely as line attenuation is lesser (30) than that of ericsson (34)]. Also can this occur when the line is put under download stress? (Or any gaming or streaming activity)

I think a lag occurs when snr margin drops from 33 to 30 in a second and goes back from 30 to 33. Its not a minor change imo.

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^^ Can your modem keep up with good stats?

My ancient modem had this same problem till I switched to TP-Link TD8817

On SOTL here, no packet loss.
I think so.its a good router Dna2012. Also no crc errors and stuff.
Also strangely i am on 120.60.x.x series after mtnls 3 pm it the same for you? Seems weird.

After a reset right now at 4.23 pm i am back on 120.61.x.x series...
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I think so.its a good router Dna2012. Also no crc errors and stuff.
Also strangely i am on 120.60.x.x series after mtnls 3 pm it the same for you? Seems weird.

After a reset right now at 4.23 pm i am back on 120.61.x.x series...

I am always on 120.62.XXX.XXX range no matter what.
Thats how it should be i suppose.

I managed to connect my laptop to the router dna 2012 adsl2+ via ethernet and ran and i got connection quality as b and c on 2 consecutive tests.(which is bad i believe as few years back i always used to get A when connected via ethernet)

Then using the command prompt i pinged me gateway -t for 2 minutes( i believe this is my router address,correct me if i am wrong) and as a result i got a min ping of 7 ms max ping of 93 ms and 3-4% loss.

Similarly pinging -t gave me average ping of 9 ms and packet loss of 5%.

Whats your suggestion?
