Post your monthly usage

hehe... nah, every single exatt user facing the problem check out the exatt thread.

And when it comes to exatt stafff dont ask.
This is what happened the other day when i uploaded to my friends FTP -

The customer care person calls me and asks "Sir, your yesterdays upload was 5GB are u sure that there is no virus on your computer"
"did u run a virus scan and see "

Lol... i cudnt stop laffing at *her*, finally i managed to tell her some crap and put the phone down!


This happened to me 6-7 months back!
Its been 5 days since I got Pacenet and I've already done 5 GB down, and 9 GB bad I cant post the stats, since Pacenet doesnt have a site where you can check your usage...If you guys know of some site, please tell me...or else I'll have to use those s/w tools.
line will show you how your data consumption behaves every month...i.e. whether its on the rise or its falling or whether it is stable. you can make it in excel.
4-Apr 5.28 GB 0.55 GB 05.83 GB 112.26 Hrs.
5-May 10.67 GB 3.67 GB 14.34 GB 140.32 Hrs.
6-Jun 9.32 GB 6.67 GB 15.99 GB 112.06 Hrs.
7-Jul 20.70 GB 16.72 GB 37.42 GB 154.86 Hrs.
8-Aug 13.06 GB 10.64 GB 23.71 GB 116.24 Hrs.
9-Sep 12.00 GB 7.63 GB 19.67 GB 111.00 Hrs.
10-Oct 15.66 GB 8.33 GB 24.00 GB 172.35 Hrs.
11 -Nov. 22.82 GB 12.73 GB 35.55 GB 161.32 Hrs.
Around 40GB dl and around 15 GB upload monthly. Mostly 4.3 GB files. Hathway 256 connection. My pc os on for practically 24 hrs
