Sify cheating the customer, again

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mahesh1
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Eventually you come to this conclusion....Okay so I am paranoid but I did think of that too....then again I don't really care that much since I've got a night unlimted pack too :D
lol...seems Sify is more concerned about their bandwidth than customer satisfaction and getting new customers by the means of cheapest publicity, word of mouth...they don't believe in that policy at all :lol:
On the other hand, this is the "internet" come on whom are we fooling, you can find almost everything here with some effort. Besides this forum comes up first or second on google on searching for Sify
BTW did anyone realize that if somehow we could supress a connection boot that occurs at 07:59 hrs, our connection will remain unlimited until the end of the session. Muhahaha I am getting Evil plans :lol: j/k
this was the glitch they had with the night 9-9 unilimited plan when i started around Sep 2004...i used to log out/log in at 8:55 am (before 9 am) and i was having 24 hrs unlimited connection for around a couple of month or so :Dbut soon they realized it and rectified the issue :(now they'd boot u out latest by 9:15 am...
well today i got a taste of sify's own stupid mechanism

they deducted my validity even though i had not exceeded 150 mb during the day i just downloaded during the night like i am doing every night.

then i had a chat with their cc
this is what he had to say
mohamedhameed_m : Chat request accepted:
mohamedhameed_m : Good Morning
gaurav_singh777 : hi
mohamedhameed_m : How may I assist you
gaurav_singh777 : well my validity has been deducted by a day
gaurav_singh777 : i wanna know why ?
mohamedhameed_m : can I have your user name please
gaurav_singh777 : ya its gaurav_singh777
mohamedhameed_m : please be online
gaurav_singh777 : whats taking u so long
mohamedhameed_m : If usage exceeds more than 150 MB in a given day, then there will be a reduction in validity of one day for every 25 MB of extra usage in that calender day
gaurav_singh777 : well ur usage policy also states that u can download between 10pm to 8 am
gaurav_singh777 : and no deduction would be made
gaurav_singh777 : my usage didn't exceed above 150 during the day
gaurav_singh777 : Policy : For those heavy users who however continue to remain on unlimited products the following rate shall apply :

Usage on unlimited service packs will be considered as one calendar day or 150MB in a day whichever is earlier. If the usage exceeds 150 MB in a day, one day in validity will be reduced for every 25 MB of usage beyond 150 MB. This is explained in detail as follows :

• Upto 150 MB utlisation in each day…..No deduction of days validity
• For every 25 MB utilisation beyond 150 MB within each day, one days validity will be reduced.

This policy is applicable from 8 am to 10 pm currently and will come into effect from 9th June 2005.

gaurav_singh777 : thats what ur policy states
gaurav_singh777 : so why have u people deducted my validity
mohamedhameed_m : please be online
gaurav_singh777 : so whats ur reply to this action ?
mohamedhameed_m : Kindly note that your usage has been exceeded 150 MB
gaurav_singh777 : why don't u people read ur own policy
mohamedhameed_m : so that there is a reduction in validity of one day
gaurav_singh777 : its states its is effect from 8 am to 10 pm
gaurav_singh777 : i know i exceeded 150 mb but thats in the night
gaurav_singh777 : when ur policy is not in effect
gaurav_singh777 : in the day my usage was inside ur 150 mb cap
gaurav_singh777 : can u understand me or not ?
mohamedhameed_m : kindly be online sir
gaurav_singh777 : if not then get ur manager i wanna talk to him ?
mohamedhameed_m : please be online sir I will check and revert to you.
mohamedhameed_m : Please be online
gaurav_singh777 : k
gaurav_singh777 : i am online
mohamedhameed_m : kindly note that we have forwarded your request to concern team.
mohamedhameed_m : Kindly note the reference number for the same *******
gaurav_singh777 : k
mohamedhameed_m : We will check and resolve your issue at the earliest
gaurav_singh777 : how much time should i expect i would take
mohamedhameed_m : we will resolve it within 24-48 working hours[/b]

hey is not even understanding what i am saying just keep on repeating that if u exceed usage of more than 150 MB ur validity would be deducted.
Complete morons , sify has employed

this is my usage history everyday i am downloading in the night there was no deductions. but today there is.

i can't understand what morons and stupid systems does sify has in place

This mohamedhameed_m is the biggest moron on earth, I was on chat with him that day for around 2 hrs, he just dissapears man I dont believe and asks me to stay online and he's no where to be seen for the next 30 mins, and he does that for 3 more times, then finally when he can't handle me he says he has forwarded my problem to the respective authority and gives me a complaint no. I was so pissed. But finally I got them to deduct the extra 40 mb they put onto my acct.

I am downloading 400 mb every night and no deductions at all.

And BTW I forgot to add that the limit is *NOT* 150 mb it is 200 mb/day, I have downlaoded 200mb+ for 2 days during morning and nothing was deducted yet, so I assume that the limit is actually 200mb and not 150 mb.
mohamedhameed_m : Chat request accepted:
mohamedhameed_m : Good Evening
mohamedhameed_m : How may I assist you
me : Can you see my usage logs?
me : username is *********
me : there seems to be a problem
me : it shows that I have downlaoded 40 mb in just 6 seconds
me : how can that be possible
mohamedhameed_m : please be online sir
me : heres the link********
me : 2005-06-28 13:51:01 2005-06-28 13:51:07 40.97
me : are you looking into it?
mohamedhameed_m : Kindly be online I will check and revet to you
me : ???
me : Please make it a little faster
me : hello
me : how much time is this going to take
mohamedhameed_m : sorry for the delay
mohamedhameed_m : sir, can you give me some more time to check with my technical team
mohamedhameed_m : i will revert to you
me : by that time my validity will get deducted
me : I dont want that to happen
me : Now, do I have to keep this chat window on?
mohamedhameed_m : Sory to put you on hold sir
mohamedhameed_m : Sorry to put you on hold sir
me : No problem, provided you rectify the error \\"fast\\"
mohamedhameed_m : we have checked it. kindly see the the session details


me : I dont understand
me :****** yet shows that I downloaded 40 mb in 6 seconds, thats just insane
me : I have no idea what you are referring to check the details on session id : *********
me : it shows downlaoded 40 mb in 6 seconds, how?
me : rectify that!
me : I don\'t want my validy to be reduced, so do it fast
mohamedhameed_m : As per your session it has been clearly mentioned sir
me : what is mentioned?
mohamedhameed_m : For further assistance please contact us at 1901443330
me : ok wait listen to me now first
me : you just pasted my log, right, that is the correct one isn\'t it?
me : in that check this line 10 ********* MULX 345.00 345.00 2005-06-28 13:51:01 2005-06-28 13:51:07 40.97 0.00 40.97 0 0.00
me : from 13:51:01 to 13:51:07 it shows that I have downlaoded 40.97MB
me : How is someone supposed to download 40.97 MB in 06seconds on a 64kbps connection
me : ?????????
me : This is utter bullshit
me : Now, cutting the long story short are you going to rectify that or not?
mohamedhameed_m : Kindly note that once the download is done cannot be done anything
me : But the BIG PROBLEM is that I haven\'t downlaoded that.
me : Tomorrow you will edit the logs and say I have downlaoded 500mb in 1 minute and disable my account
mohamedhameed_m : please be online
mohamedhameed_m : let me forward your issue to concern team
me : Its your damn system, and you have the proof
me : what more can I say
mohamedhameed_m : we have forwarded your issue to concern team
mohamedhameed_m : Kindly note the reference number :********
me : why didn\'t you do that earlier
me : and how will I contact these authorities or how will they get in touch with me?
mohamedhameed_m : one of our executive will contact you and resolve your issue
me : do you have my contact info?
mohamedhameed_m : we will send a mail regarding this[/b]
