Unfair practice being carried out by TATA SKY

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Maybe a different choice of words , but I pretty much agree with kb10000 . Only point of argument could be that I feel that
a. Since not allowed to sell/gift/whatever
b. Cant be used with other operators - which was "supposed" to be mandated - not sure where we are on that now

They are morally obliged - not mandated/required - but as an ethical practise - to atleast provide the exchange/upgrade as a service if possible - without making a loss


If they dont permit us to sell, nor transfer, then they should put an upgrade plan in place else we will be left collecting expensive paperweights over time!

Just to clarify - I have been using a connection that has been in a friends name for over 3 yrs now. I purchased the PVR, the HD PVR, paid for Three Annual Mega Packs, Annual Maintenance contracts etc etc - all using my credit card. Do I care - I honestly dont so long as I can use the service. But I dont like to be told I "cant". They had adviced me to change the ownership during the Annual Mega PAck renewal - since otherwise all the credit in teh account will lapse. I agreed. My pack was getting over on 3rd of Jan 2011. Its only when I read @mhsabir 's post here that I even came to know the rule had changed effective 30th Dec 2010. I have now called and registered a complaint. Normally I would call it bad luck and move on. But in this case my earlier requests, and their response to it, are on record. So lets see what they have to say.
That is pretty much same will all products - I think you are unhappy with the speed of the changes that are happening. And it happens everywhere, take mobiles, TVs, PCs and pretty much everything electronic. That is why I said exchange/sell should be allowed - but you cannot tell them - you know what, get all features ready & then sell the product. With HD transmission starting recently (which they would have been made aware), they had to quickly get them up & running & sell as many as possible while it can sell it like hotcakes. Its purely business.

Dead sure i am that i am NOT unhappy with the speed of the changes that are happening; i am unhappy because of the way those changes are being bundled, priced and served to the users of Tata Sky; i am unhappy because Tata Sky is not giving a damn care to their own machines which they have so proudly announced, advertised and applauded just a few months ago.

A company is not legally bound, but for all the practical reasons - a company's customers expect to enjoy some extra benefits (in terms of discount, gift or goodies or any such thing) when the same customer purchase another piece of previously owned item or a second item of that company. It happens - may not be with all the companies but with many of them - the name may be different - customer retention scheme or customer loyalty program etc. etc. So i am unhappy because the way Tata sky overlooked this factor and disowned it's customers by saying that the prices will be same for one and all and there will be nothing 'extra' or 'different' for its existing customers.

As i already said comparing it with other electronic products is a mismatch because these machines are legally and physically locked, non-transferable, and therefore, non salable. As soon as you purchase it, its resell value is '0' for anyone to anyone. And the worst part is - by not allowing any upgrading of it's own product - Tata sky proved that it is '0' for Tata Sky itself. It is both commercially and ethically wrong.

I read in my childhood that - Politics, without ethics, is a disaster. I think the same apply to everything - whether it is a multicrore business or a mere individual.

So what they did - is ethically and practically wrong - they did wrong legally or not, it's a separate issue.

---------- Post added at 11:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------


If they dont permit us to sell, nor transfer, then they should put an upgrade plan in place else we will be left collecting expensive paperweights over time!

In fact, going by the size, shape and weight these boxes are of, they may not even be used as a paperweight. :)
I think we all agree on most points to a certain level, but we have all used different choice of words across this threadTo summarizeEthically/morally - they should allow resale or upgrade or transfer facilities - and we all agree on thatA device which has lesser features sold recently at a much higher price - kb10000 & myself agree , that they have a right to price based on their cost & other business dynamics (like word cup & HD launched recently)VivR - disagrees and feels unfair
Sorry but please do not generalise. In fact I have done exactly that - use two PVRs! The Older PVR was moved to the kids room and is hooked to our old 29" CRT. Kids are thrilled to have their own PVR! So I get to enjoy HD PVR on my Plasma, and the kids have their fill of SD stuff on the CRT. No duplication or wasted facility/resource! :)

Exactly, please do not generalize. Good to know that you have the resource (TV) and the requirements (another pvr for kids), and therefore, you utilized the STB. But everyone is not that much lucky.

I also did give the example of a CPU. That is relevant?

Sorry but not relevant. purchased CPU can be sold in parts or in entirety, can be gifted to someone, can be upgraded and can be exchanged with another one. None of these is possible with Tata Sky STB. Sorry but how it is relevant?

This I agree
Nice to listen that there is something that is agreeable to both. :)

Sorry friend - I am not FOR TataSky, neither am I against you.

Same here. :)

But what you raised is against principles of commerce and hence I had to point that out. Lets agree to disagree on this one.
Yes, i agree to disagree on this one :)
I think we all agree on most points to a certain level, but we have all used different choice of words across this thread

To summarize
Ethically/morally - they should allow resale or upgrade or transfer facilities - and we all agree on that

A device which has lesser features sold recently at a much higerr price -
kb10000 & myself agree , that they have a right to price based on their cost & other business dynamics (like word cup & HD launched recently)
VivR - disagrees and feels unfair

not sure if you missed my earlier post - since we seem to have posted at the same time
Sorry but not relevant. purchased CPU can be sold in parts or in entirety, can be gifted to someone, can be upgraded and can be exchanged with another one.

Just to clarify - I was taking about the CPU CHIP - specifically Intel Core2 Duo T8100. IIRC I paid about 10k for it some three years back. In just 6 moths the price was halved, by the very next year it was outdated - not even being sold!

Sure it can be gifted - so can Tata Sky (I am using someone else's connection for the last three years. I have even added equipment and moved from city to city without any problem so far :))

Urgrading and exchange- yes you can upgrade but by paying full value for the new chip - neither Intel, nor Dell thru whom I bought it, will not buy back your chip/nor do they have any exchange scheme - you will have to find someone (even if its a retailer) yourself.

The thing I think TS is being foolish with, is to prevent name transfers. They make their money on SUBSCRIPTION and not on HARDWARE SALES. Hence if I were at the helm of affairs I will gladly permit name transfers - so long as I am acquiring a customer/ or not losing one, I only stand to gain. Else that is one connection that will go defunct. Either someone there has gotten myopic, or there is a larger issue that we dont know anything about (regulatory perhaps)

yeap. it is a stupid decision to disallow connection transfers. i mean they could have asked for a small fee for connection transfers from one name to another. in its current form, they are literally asking you to dump your old functional STB if you do not want to continue with their network. whatever happened to recycling.
1) While we paid Rs. 8,999 for Tata Sky PLUS, why they are charing only Rs. 3,999 (which is less than half) for something which has 5 times higher capacity hard-disk and is HD capable? It should be double not half. It means Rs. 9000 charged to tata sky plus customer was extremely exorbitant, absolutely disproportionate and therefore, highly unfair.

Your comment here is illogical. LCD and LED prices have also come down compared to a year ago. Will you sue TV manufacturers too in the future, saying that HDTV is cheaper than Standard TV sets? Talk some sense here. Surely Tata Sky is bearing the loss, since the Pace manufactured box is a technological marvel and true value for money.

2) How come they have the audacity to say that for both new and old customers the prices will be the same for Tata Sky plus HD? That means are those who are loyal customers since many months or even years and have invested upto Rs. 9000 in tata sky plus, Tata Sky or Tata sky HD are of no value to them? They have not become as same as a new customer as soon as they want to upgrade from tata sky or tata sky HD or tata sky plus to tata sky plus HD?

I agree with you on this point though. They should have rewarded existing customers.

3) How can they take away the existing box for free which the customer have paid upto Rs. 9000 for (if they are taking it away with them) OR, what is their explanation of what we should do with those existing boxes (if they are leaving it to us) - Should we just throw it to the dustbin or should be reverse engineer it by tearing it apart? Will it make a good brand value to their own product?

Existing box is never taken away. I still have mine. What are you talking about?

Though it is exciting to know that Tata Sky has finally launched HD with PVR, but with such hypocrisy and unfair practice they are leaving good reasons for the consumers to do something about it.

My issue was sorted out within no time after I escalated directly to the Executive Team. I was called atleast twice by the Executive Office, Bangalore confirming if everything was okay.

Of course, you will argue that I had to escalate to that level. However, call centre employees in the past few years are of poor quality, since most of the staff have opted for call centre job as a short-term career. Commitment levels are low and salaries are high. They keep switching jobs easily. This is the pain area for all call centres. Captive centres are slightly better though.
well the biggest problem here is simple... STBs are sold to the customer. if the companies are bold enough to lease them out and upgrade customer's equipment with time while charging a fixed monthly fee as a from of rental... Tata Sky would save themselves and the customer a lot of headache. i mean they are still using mpeg2 right? if they had leased out the STBs, they could have progressively updated the STBs to the more efficient network. it would not be as profitable, but it would be a much better scenario for everyone involved.
Your comment here is illogical. LCD and LED prices have also come down compared to a year ago. Will you sue TV manufacturers too in the future, saying that HDTV is cheaper than Standard TV sets? Talk some sense here. Surely Tata Sky is bearing the loss, since the Pace manufactured box is a technological marvel and true value for money.

"Tata Sky is bearing the loss" ------ what? You know, it's funny now... If Tata will bear losses they will not be here where it is today. The problem is you have to see it with a little different perspective. I am not saying that they have done something LEGALLY wrong... they can charge a product ten times higher than it's worth or they can distribute it for free - after all - its their products and their marketing strategies. And it is our choice - whether we own or discard their products or strategies.

But you know... charging as high as 9,000 INR for something and then just a few months after (not years) (and for some it is few days even) coming up with whole new product and saying that now it will cost less than half of that but will have 5 times better picture, sound and capacity is something which seems fishy.

I agree that they are not doing anything illogical, but you know, everything under the sun cannot just be evaluated on logic alone. There ARE practical perspective, there ARE ethical issues.

But yes since we are in a computer era.. so let the logic prevail.... there is either 0 or 1. Nothing in between.

I agree with you on this point though. They should have rewarded existing customers.

Thanks on agreeing this :) some of the mates here seem not be agreeing on this point. :(

Existing box is never taken away. I still have mine. What are you talking about?

Hey! it seems you have though quoted my full paragraph on this but not read is fully. I did added if they are taking it away with them. I have also mentioned in one of my previous posts that due to these issues i have not ordered tata sky plus HD yet. As well as in the first post first line itself i have asked about it - whether they are taking away the existing boxes or leaving it to the user? I got the answer just a couple of post later.

So once again i repeat i am NOT saying that they have taken away my Tata sky plus box from me.

Of course, you will argue that I had to escalate to that level. However, call centre employees in the past few years are of poor quality, since most of the staff have opted for call centre job as a short-term career. Commitment levels are low and salaries are high. They keep switching jobs easily. This is the pain area for all call centres. Captive centres are slightly better though.


---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 PM ----------

well the biggest problem here is simple...

STBs are sold to the customer.

if the companies are bold enough to lease them out and upgrade customer's equipment with time while charging a fixed monthly fee as a from of rental... tata sky would save themselves and the customer a lot of headache.

i mean they are still using mpeg2 right? if they had leased out the STBs, they could have progressively updated the STBs to the more efficient network. it would not be as profitable, but it would be a much better scenario for everyone involved.

Agreed! One of the solutions could be in line with this suggestion.

---------- Post added at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 PM ----------

yeap. it is a stupid decision to disallow connection transfers. i mean they could have asked for a small fee for connection transfers from one name to another. in its current form, they are literally asking you to dump your old functional STB if you do not want to continue with their network. whatever happened to recycling.


You are not admin for no reason :)
