VoLTE on Vodafone India

Thats actually bad then... operators can force us to buy new handset just by saying in future that - "we have made more upgrades to VoLTE.. now ur old VoLTE settings wont work... get a new phone"
@amish Tell them on social media that its easier to change sims than change phones:sneaky:
Now they say this when asked about certain Moto phones which are compatible with Jio VOLTE but not with Vodafone VOLTE. They dont bother trying to give a tech answer

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Its weird though that Vodafone VoLTE doesnt work on all VoLTE phones but only selected models (not even iPhone currently)

iOS 11.3 now seems to have added support for Vodafone VoLTE.

Now I see additional options: (depending on if Mobile Data is Off or On)
1) Enable 4G - Off "OR" Voice Only
2) Enable 4G - Off "OR" Voice & Data "OR" Data Only
@amish Just saw now, on a tech site that Apple has added Vodafone VOLTE compatibility to many of their models. Its mentioned on theh Vodafone site now (not sure if its old news). But not even 1 Motorola phone is vodafone volte compatible even though many are now compatible with reliance jio

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Hi Guys,

Now that Vodafone Volte is supported on Apple devices, I made my friends upgrade to iOS 11.3 and got volte working on their phones too. I was very eager to do the HD call quality test, but it disappointed me. Calls still sound almost the same like legacy 3g and not HD. Call connect time is superb, but not the quality. So what all was this "HD calls" hype created by vodafone about ? Anyone here has experienced a great differnence in call quality ?


was the calls between vodafone-vodafone or vodafone-jio ? incase of vodafone-jio calls would go through legacy interconnect network
Hi Guys,

Now that Vodafone Volte is supported on Apple devices, I made my friends upgrade to iOS 11.3 and got volte working on their phones too. I was very eager to do the HD call quality test, but it disappointed me. Calls still sound almost the same like legacy 3g and not HD. Call connect time is superb, but not the quality. So what all was this "HD calls" hype created by vodafone about ? Anyone here has experienced a great differnence in call quality ?


Vodafone survives on plain marketing. They invent useless terms like SuperNet 4G, SuperVoice 4G and market them as something exclusive and awesome. But they are just plain 4G data and VoLTE which Jio has been deploying since last 3-4 years. The call quality is mediocre and the only thing we are concerned about is implementation of Enhanced Voice Service (EVS codec) which was launched in 2014. It actually provides superior Voice quality in 4G. Now both the handsets and the network need support enabled for EVS codec. But if one of the three do not support it, the fallback is on AMR codec which is 2004 tech.

Vodafone likely is still using AMR codec for voice calls and that explains the call quality sounding similar to 2G/3G.
