Broadband in India: what is it up to?

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Average internet Speeds in USA: 5.6Mbps,India:1.79Mbps(Net Index by Ookla - Household Download Index for India).

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s ruling coalition wants to boost the number of broadband connections more than tenfold, to 175 million, by 2017. As if that weren’t ambitious enough, the government aims to have broadband access for 600 million by 2020.

Indian authorities have talked before about their digital vision. The government declared 2007 to be “the year of broadband.” Four years later, Indian broadband can’t even deliver download speeds of 4 megabytes per second, generally considered the standard in the U.S. for broadband. The international average is more like 5.6 mbps. Laying fiber for faster Internet connections is tough, given the country’s bureaucracy. “Right-of-way policies are just convoluted,” says Kunal Bajaj, director for India at Analysys Mason, the London consulting and market research firm. “You have to speak to between 10 and 20 different agencies for every route.” Mason says it can take six months to get permission to put down a cable, and at $60,000 to $70,000 per kilometer the cost is prohibitive.

Singh’s government is now pressuring cable operators in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai to make their networks digital by the middle of next year, a very tough deadline. Operators in the rest of India will have to follow within five years. Once TV subscribers have digital set-top boxes in their homes, they’ll be able to use their cable TV to get broadband Internet access
To make it easier for local cable operators to raise the money they need to improve their digital infrastructure, Singh wants to ease restrictions on foreign investment, raising the limit on foreign ownership from the current 49 percent to 74 percent. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has also recommended offering tax breaks to cable operators so they can invest the savings into digitizing their networks.

Upgrading India’s cable network won’t happen on the cheap. The total cost of additional investments in equipment by companies is expected to be about $10 billion, according to Jawahar Goel, former president of the Indian Broadcasting Foundation and managing director of satellite TV operator Dish TV.
Forcing subscribers to get digital set-top boxes will also drive up the cost of cable television. Goel expects local politicians will do their best to slow down the digitalization project. “State governments will say, ‘No, no, we can’t implement [the new policy], we’re not ready,’ ” he says.

India Seeks Access to the Broadband Highway - Businessweek

A Well Written Article on the Broadband Scenario in India and What our PM is doing in Order to Compete with China.
first of all usa is way way behind when it comes to broadband speeds. their average speeds are not even something worth considering. just take a look at the avg speeds in other asian /european(esp. eastern europe) countries. their national avg is atleast 5-10x of usa. and wat esle can we expect from our govt when they issue a notice saying definition of broadband is 512kbps !!!
yeah. usa is probably the only developed market where some people do not have access to anything better than dialup. :)
USA is massive in size. At least in major cities, they have good internet connections.
I am confused now. Report of Akamai says the average speed of india is 800kbps and shows 1.79MbpsVerizon FIOS is the Excellent thing I've Ever Heard.
Singh’s government is now pressuring cable operators in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai to make their networks digital by the middle of next year, a very tough deadline. Operators in the rest of India will have to follow within five years.

So the govt plan involves local cablewalas?
What happens to those of us who have already shifted to DTH?

the author of that article is so proud of the speeds in USA. For 5.6mbps he is saying as if it is 50mbps.. Insane Guy!

So the govt plan involves local cablewalas?
What happens to those of us who have already shifted to DTH?

the only answer is FTTH. Do we hear about Cablewaala's Or DTH companies in Speedy Broadband Countries like France or Denmark.
Mason says it can take six months to get permission to put down a cable, and at $60,000 to $70,000 per kilometer the cost is prohibitive.
So Almost 3Lakhs For Laying a Km of Fiber. How do the Present companies even Recover from the present customers?
Hehe.. No that's not the Proper way to Recover the money. Reducing the GB's on the plans Would probably work out that is what Mtnl is doing I guess?.
the author of that article is so proud of the speeds in USA. For 5.6mbps he is saying as if it is 50mbps.. Insane Guy!

the only answer is FTTH. Do we hear about Cablewaala's Or DTH companies in Speedy Broadband Countries like France or Denmark.

So Almost 3Lakhs For Laying a Km of Fiber. How do the Present companies even Recover from the present customers?

ISP Policies in West are not so bad as compared to India. You can easily get permissions and fiber sharing options . Here in India we will end up making babu's and politcian's happy.
