BSNL Broadband routing problem seems to have been resolved

And the ping is going up..up and up....500ms right now when i ping to It was at 123 ms earlier. BSNL really need to employ people who know what they are doing.
Karan Sood said:
And the ping is going up..up and up....500ms right now when i ping to It was at 123 ms earlier. BSNL really need to employ people who know what they are doing.

I am getting 46 MS, but with terrible packet loss, almost 15%.
Temporary fix: Keep rebooting your router until you get the lowest possible latency. The most optimum setting is ~200 ms for French and British servers. Don't bother with Singapore servers because the routing has been reset to bullshit mode (300 ms).
But know this....the ping will go bad again at approximately 10:30 PM IST. At this point you must reboot your router again until your ping is set back to normal (the above mentioned settings)
I do not think the problem has been resolved , depending on location and server there are upto 25% packet loss .
here are my statistics ,

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 160, Received = 136, Lost = 24 (15%
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 139ms, Maximum = 793ms, Average = 166ms

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 119, Received = 98, Lost = 21 (17%
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 104ms, Maximum = 653ms, Average = 131ms

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 75, Received = 64, Lost = 11 (14% lo
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 174ms, Maximum = 3077ms, Average = 249ms

my DSL status ,
ADSL Statistics ADSL State Show Time Data Path Fast Operation Mode G.Dmt Bandwidth Up/Down(Kbit/sec) 256/2048 SNR Up/Down 31 dB /33.0 dB CRC Up/Down 0/0 FEC Up/Down 0/0 HEC Up/Down 0/0 Attenuation Up/Down 6.5 dB /19.5 dB

what do you folks say about it ? What is bsnl saying about this problem ? Any idea when this problem will be ratified ?
horizonrays said:
I do not think the problem has been resolved , depending on location and server there are upto 25% packet loss .
here are my statistics ,

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 160, Received = 136, Lost = 24 (15%
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 139ms, Maximum = 793ms, Average = 166ms

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 119, Received = 98, Lost = 21 (17%
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 104ms, Maximum = 653ms, Average = 131ms

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 75, Received = 64, Lost = 11 (14% lo
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 174ms, Maximum = 3077ms, Average = 249ms

my DSL status ,
ADSL Statistics ADSL State Show Time Data Path Fast Operation Mode G.Dmt Bandwidth Up/Down(Kbit/sec) 256/2048 SNR Up/Down 31 dB /33.0 dB CRC Up/Down 0/0 FEC Up/Down 0/0 HEC Up/Down 0/0 Attenuation Up/Down 6.5 dB /19.5 dB

what do you folks say about it ? What is bsnl saying about this problem ? Any idea when this problem will be ratified ?


Well considering fact that users from all over India post on this forum - I doubt we will ever see 100% fix from BSNL across India :)

BSNL in general...
Jokes aside, what I have seen so far is that their routing fixes are very much temporary and also region dependent. For fix all they need is a good/optimized forward & return path for their customers. On core backbone they manage routes based on state level (my strong guess). There are quite a few /20's belong to every state. So e.g they might start putting a proper outbound path for Tamil Nadu prefixes and this will make forward path direct (of course for Tamil Nadu only). Also overall I have seen that their forward path i.e BSNL > External networks is often good and direct route but it's their return path which messes up badly. Also considering fact that BSNL is more of retail ISP with heavy inbound traffic (rather then a datacenter network with heavy outbound) - the return path is more critical for them. The return path problems are there because as I mentioned earlier IPLC use (over IP port use) and that (I can guess) is because they have limited capacity on IP. No doubt they can increase capacity but that would surely require a new tender and lot of other work crossing red tape.
In general my personal opinion is that we will keep on having such issues with Govt. telco. Even the price BSNL pays for transit is still considered to pretty high. Their ideal design should have been to put their routers in major exchanges like Equinix Singapore, Hong Kong Internet Exchange, London's LINX, Amsterdam's AMS-IX, German DE-CIX, and quite a few exchanges across US. This all requires serious planning in terms of finding exact datacenter with right colocation cost, circuit from cable landing station to that PoP, long haul circuits between cable landing stations and a open peering policy. BSNL cannot simply do that. It's not that their technical teams are incomitent (few are but not all) but the way company is managed is utterly bad. They have a upstream transit of as high as 200Gbps today (with probably 80-90Gbps capacity from Tata), bit less from Airtel+ Reliance and quite a bit from AT&T, Global Crossing & Vodafone (Cable & Wireless). That's a massive amount of transit link considering fact that BSNL itself owns a lot of fiber within India. Surely they could be buying capacity for traffic coming from overseas for but they are buring a huge capacity even on buying access to domestic traffic because they do not offer good transit links to datacenters (possible customers), or even settlement free peering options with networks like Google. We all can imagine how much bandwidth would be consumed by Google only in YouTube content but BSNL still pays for all that via upstream links simply because they don't have "settlement free peering" policy yet. Most of datacenters I have spoken in past do NOT have upstream from BSNL and they mostly reply on their capacity from Tata Comm to reach BSNL (and on other leg BSNL also pays to Tata). They simply don't make a business model of offering cheaper routes to Indian datacenters and loose money (by not having them as customers + even worst paying for that traffic).

Regarding @horizonrays question about his packet loss - I am not sure. May be you could share a traceroute to give an idea of latency across route. This could be due to some choking within BSNL's own MPLS or it's upstreams. Hard to comment by just looking at latency figure.

@Anurag thanks for replying ,
you see buddy i have been using bsnl broadband since it was launched , it was fairly good till april 2013 . After that this problem started .
Earlier i used to have 250-350 ms ping for (us server) and 85-120 for / .
I do not mind high ping latency, i was even ok with it , since i do not game it does not really hamper much .
But this problem is beyond comprehension , i mean upto 50% packet loss in international traffic is beyond any tolerance ,
well there is internal ping loss too , i mean on bsnl servers itself , there is upto 5% packet loss .
5-10% packet loss is bearable but this 20%+ is simply cannot be digested .
3 months ago bsnl broadband used to be more or less perfect , there used to be some occasionally hiccups but they were usually resolved within 2-3 days . Whatever they did in these three months have completely screwed their service on national level .
My ultimate problem is , where i live there is no other option but bsnl . No reliance , no airtel , nothing , bsnl is only solution.
Average Packet Loss @ 8.16 Pm 3rd august 2013 , 35% , site used , , , , ,

As for traceroute >

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms
2 47 ms 57 ms 55 ms
3 97 ms 98 ms 133 ms [115.1
4 * 102 ms 99 ms [180.87.3
5 335 ms 341 ms 341 ms [180.87.37
6 * 358 ms 354 ms [180.87.
7 384 ms 342 ms 342 ms [180.87
8 346 ms 342 ms * [66.110
9 346 ms 357 ms * [66.110.57.
10 347 ms 342 ms 342 ms
11 354 ms 352 ms 348 ms []
12 358 ms 370 ms 363 ms []
13 486 ms 372 ms 351 ms []
14 * 373 ms 407 ms [
15 * 361 ms 383 ms []

16 383 ms 364 ms * []
17 379 ms 426 ms 369 ms []
18 366 ms 364 ms 385 ms []

Trace complete.

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 25 ms 12 ms 14 ms
2 47 ms 55 ms 56 ms
3 101 ms 100 ms 98 ms [115.
4 93 ms * 107 ms
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 * 104 ms 98 ms [11
7 94 ms 98 ms 100 ms
8 * * 104 ms
9 136 ms 120 ms 127 ms
10 129 ms 126 ms 128 ms
11 128 ms 126 ms 128 ms []

Trace complete.

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 18 ms 12 ms 14 ms
2 49 ms 56 ms 46 ms
3 106 ms 100 ms 98 ms [121.244.6
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 104 ms 98 ms 98 ms
6 214 ms 213 ms 213 ms [
7 212 ms 214 ms 213 ms [80.231.2
8 * 211 ms * [80.231.2
9 * 223 ms 214 ms [80.231.200.
10 212 ms 212 ms * [80.231.131
11 * 222 ms 213 ms []
12 309 ms 315 ms 311 ms []
13 337 ms 327 ms 327 ms [64
14 321 ms 314 ms 312 ms []
15 346 ms * 338 ms []
16 * 347 ms 341 ms []
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 353 ms 341 ms 342 ms [173.252.110.

>[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Droid Sans', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]I do not mind high ping latency, i was even ok with it , since i do not game it does not really hamper much .[/color]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Droid Sans', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]High latency tend to slow down so it matters even if you are not gamer. :)[/color]

[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Droid Sans', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]>[/color][color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Droid Sans', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]My ultimate problem is , where i live there is no other option but bsnl . No reliance , no airtel , nothing , bsnl is only solution. [/color]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Droid Sans', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]100% same problem with me as well. I would be more then happy to go any private telco's broadband on a higher plan rather then hitting head with awful support for a connection with awful routing.[/color]

[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Droid Sans', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]Your forward routes seem pretty fine and for sure this is not a routing related issue (except that you have high latency with East Asia which a significant userbase of BSNL is getting). The packet loss you mentioned is surely quite high. [/color]
[color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Droid Sans', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;]Can you share a 1000 packet ping to BSNL gateway - [/color][color=rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Droid Sans', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;] (the first hop you see out there). Try pinging each hop in a route one by one (I am not sure if you have a mtr alternate on Windows) and find on which hop you see high packet loss. If it's on 1st itself then try asking exchange to switch your port (and eventually you will get a different subnet with different gateway). If problem is beyond 1st hop and within BSNL's core network in your region then you are pretty much out of luck. Try getting close to problem atleast.[/color]

@chromaniac - I think these routing problems are fairly significant across North-South-West regions. I was wondering if you can contact BSNL or their higher officials like CMD or so on behalf of their users who are posting here? I think you can get time from him for a meeting to provide him fine details of these issues. Do you think something like that can be done?
icrosoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]opyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.:Users******>' is not recognized as an internal or external command,perable program or batch file.:Users*****>ping google.cominging [] with 32 bytes of data:eply from bytes=32 time=32ms TTL=54eply from bytes=32 time=32ms TTL=54eply from bytes=32 time=32ms TTL=54eply from bytes=32 time=31ms TTL=54ing statistics for Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),pproximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 31ms, Maximum = 32ms, Average = 31ms:Users********>tracert route to []ver a maximum of 30 hops:1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 23 ms 24 ms 24 ms 117.********3 23 ms 25 ms 24 ms 218.248.*****4 23 ms 23 ms 25 ms 218.248.*****5 62 ms * 59 ms []6 58 ms 58 ms 111 ms 32 ms 30 ms 31 ms 31 ms 32 ms 30 ms 31 ms 37 ms 31 ms []trace complete.

This is what I get .......
@ Anurag !!
well having slow broadband is better than having none at all ,
higher latency = slow page load , i can live with that ,
25-50% packet loss , websites does not load , streaming is more or less impssoble , voip cannot be , if at all be done cannot be done properly.
the only problem i see it bsnl is having outbound issues with any international server , be it , , , ,, , atlmost all of them are showing same pattern it does not matter where , the server is , us , eu, singapore , end result is same , average ping loss of 25-50% .
as i said , internal server ping , tracert are working just fine there is no problem , at worse , there would be 1%-5% packet loss with bsnl ips.
here is ping >

Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 552, Received = 552, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 12ms, Maximum = 108ms, Average = 24ms
Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 223, Received = 152, Lost = 71 (31% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 126ms, Maximum = 232ms, Average = 138ms
Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 28, Received = 20, Lost = 8 (28% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 125ms, Maximum = 140ms, Average = 131ms
