Expectations and Feedback for Hayai Broadband

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well he used the wrong example. in fact airtel used the example of cars too while defending their FUPs. we provide you a city instead of an alto so you have to pay more (!!).

he is just saying that he is providing you the speed and comforts of a high end luxury car. you are just expected to pay for the distance you travel. other companies charge you for the distance and the comfort. with hayai, you are only charged for the distance.
What I'm saying that if you're confined to a limited distance at a time, why should you not have an option to buy a maruti 800(top speed 100 km/h), honda city(180), audi R8(300), or a bugatti veyron(407) at a same price and when the dealers incur the same cost for the cars?

For an average driver, it will be easier to handle a 100 km/h speed than a 407 km/h speed so he will prefer a 800 or a city over a veyron simply because the 800 is easier to handle.
hah. well. if i am driving a veyron, i am not really required to drive at 407kmph do it? speed is just one of the factor that becomes irrelevant after a particular limit. for a casual user, anything above 512-1mbps might not be noticeable if he sticks to only casual web surfing. but for a power user, the same level might be around 5mbps. think of it as veyron as a public utility service (bus/train). you get to use it. you only pay for the distance traveled. if you have to cover a short distance, speed does not matter to you much. if you have to cover a longer distance, faster is better for you. but in both cases, both of the users pay for the distance they traveled. not for the speed. :|
hah. well. if i am driving a veyron, i am not really required to drive at 407kmph do it?

speed is just one of the factor that becomes irrelevant after a particular limit.

for a casual user, anything above 512-1mbps might not be noticeable if he sticks to only casual web surfing.

but for a power user, the same level might be around 5mbps.

think of it as veyron as a public utility service (bus/train). you get to use it. you only pay for the distance traveled. if you have to cover a short distance, speed does not matter to you much. if you have to cover a longer distance, faster is better for you. but in both cases, both of the users pay for the distance they traveled. not for the speed.
Then why are there not plans like 1 GB at Rs 15 and speed 100 mbps?
Because at that speed the limit will be over in around only 80 seconds.
If a user purchases 10 gb data and downloads the pirated torrent of a 8 gb game(quite possible at 100mbps no?), and a movie of 2 gb, his data amount of 10 gb will be over in 13 minutes and 20 seconds at full speed of 100 mbps just because of his urge of playing the game and watching the movie, which if he has a speed of say 5 mbps he may choose to not download the movie and save 2gb data as 'cushion data' for casual usage for the rest of the month.
The urge to watch the movie dies down in the time required to download the 8 gb game, and much to the surprise of the user he discovers that the movie was just unnecessary anyway and that the 2 gb can be used for other purposes.
Anyway, I'm just saying that mgcarley include data plan speed tiers as an additional option and not a compulsory one. The users are at full liberty to choose the speed they like at a same cost.
i am not sure if you are really looking for a response to this post. the point is. there are two ways of handling this. either you buy pre-defined slabs. or you postpay as per your usage. slabs has to make sense for the service provider. they have to be profitable to them. hayai does not seem to be catering to people who are happy with
i am not sure if you are really looking for a response to this post.

the point is. there are two ways of handling this. either you buy pre-defined slabs. or you postpay as per your usage.

slabs has to make sense for the service provider. they have to be profitable to them. hayai does not seem to be catering to people who are happy with

am i stopping him from answering? i am just saying what he has been saying here for almost two years now (the fact remains that we both agree on a lot of points wrt bandwidth charges)... if you do not want my opinion here, i guess i would stop following this thread now. :)
Well installation charges as said by mg is for labourers, let him keep but a bit low, as u know labourers also need some cash so to gear up and do the work efficiently.

He could then buy a wada pav and bhajias to gear up his work.

You got it wrong, it is labour charge, meaning say what he has to pay the labourers to install the CPE at the house of the customers and laying the fiber to the premises.
Chaitanya Thengdi said:
That's correct, we could have a bugatti veyron to everybody, but the bugatti veyron consumes more fuel, especially when at top speed. To make my point clearer, if I use bittorrent, I should not like to keep seeding of a popular torrent on for a couple of hours and find all my upload usage finished (as the upload will be at 25 mbps.)
I'm in favour of keeping the cost the same, it will be entirely in the discretion of the user to select the speed for better management of his usage needs.

You're introducing a third factor which doesn't really exist for Broadband, although arguably, slower speed internet will lead to a higher power bill.

Chaitanya Thengdi said:
I simply thought if an amount is constant then why not give it on distributed basis(per month) rather than having to pay one time?
Of course many people will be willing to use on 12-month basis.
I'm not telling you anytime to sell the CPE to users, it is a bad idea.

So for those people who want to sign a 12 or even 24-month agreement, we will probably give free installation. For those who want month-to-month, we'll probably have to charge install fees otherwise if they decide to leave after a couple of months, we have no way of recovering the cost of labour - I'll explain why this is a concern a little further down.

Chaitanya Thengdi said:
I'm talking to be on the safe side when the users are not used to high speed, so they may choose to increase the speed in steps.(5,10,25,50,100,150)
This way you can avoid complaints saying that data plans get used up very quickly because of high speed (Believe me, there are people who will complain like this).

I'm sure there will be. But then the aforementioned powerbills will come in and be who-knows-how-much-cheaper.

rajadeep said:
Hahaha tell me about it... MY 1st bill for BSNL Broadband all those years back was Rs 13k.. I still remember my dad yelling at me for using the net so much only to find out that the bill was so substantial coz of my parents voice chatting half the day with my sis who is in canada :P ... BTW back then the overuse charge was 2k per GB...

Heh. Yeah, I know how you feel. When I moved to Japan in 2001 my first internet bill on dialup came to about US$400 (I didn't realize there was a per-minute rate on local calls - calls within your calling area are free in NZ). I had to convince my host-family to move to what was then called "FLETS", which was the name for NTT West's unbundled ADSL service.

admin said:
well he used the wrong example. in fact airtel used the example of cars too while defending their FUPs. we provide you a city instead of an alto so you have to pay more (!!).

he is just saying that he is providing you the speed and comforts of a high end luxury car. you are just expected to pay for the distance you travel. other companies charge you for the distance and the comfort. with hayai, you are only charged for the distance.


sach92 said:
Well installation charges as said by mg is for labourers, let him keep but a bit low, as u know labourers also need some cash so to gear up and do the work efficiently.

He could then buy a wada pav and bhajias to gear up his work.

Here's the explanation: because it's fiber, our labourers actually have to be quite well trained and quite well paid. Splicing optics is a precision job, and fairly slow. A good technician can do a single splice and termination in about 1 hour.

Furthermore, splicing equipment doesn't come cheap - a single toolkit runs in to the thousands of dollars. So if we're spending say for example Rs500 an hour (or whatever the market rate may be, we pay our staff above average wages in exchange for quality work) on labour plus tools, his expenses and incidentals, plus the last few meters of fiber from the nearest splitter or OLT (this has to be custom terminated for each premises).

Chaitanya Thengdi said:
What I'm saying that if you're confined to a limited distance at a time, why should you not have an option to buy a maruti 800(top speed 100 km/h), honda city(180), audi R8(300), or a bugatti veyron(407) at a same price and when the dealers incur the same cost for the cars?

For an average driver, it will be easier to handle a 100 km/h speed than a 407 km/h speed so he will prefer a 800 or a city over a veyron simply because the 800 is easier to handle.

It depends on how smooth the roadway is and how much other traffic. I'm sure even a moron driver could do a fast speed in a straight line on a smooth track if there were no obstacles or other traffic, and leave the other cars in the dust.

How about we put it another way: what if your electricity company were able to limit the voltage of your power lines so that your devices could only draw so much power? My laptop runs on about 19 volts - I don't need all of the 240 volts going in to my adapter.

But therein lies the point: I've got an adapter to reduce the voltage from 240 to 19. You can set a speed limit in your torrent client or download manager if it's really that much of a concern to you.

admin said:
hah. well. if i am driving a veyron, i am not really required to drive at 407kmph do it?

speed is just one of the factor that becomes irrelevant after a particular limit.

for a casual user, anything above 512-1mbps might not be noticeable if he sticks to only casual web surfing.

but for a power user, the same level might be around 5mbps.

think of it as veyron as a public utility service (bus/train). you get to use it. you only pay for the distance traveled. if you have to cover a short distance, speed does not matter to you much. if you have to cover a longer distance, faster is better for you. but in both cases, both of the users pay for the distance they traveled. not for the speed. :|

Shinkansen versus a Mumbai local?

raj1402 said:
so can we expect in chennai too yeah as im power user looking for 5mbps speed;)

Yes, you can expect Chennai.

Chaitanya Thengdi said:
Then why are there not plans like 1 GB at Rs 15 and speed 100 mbps?
Because at that speed the limit will be over in around only 80 seconds.
If a user purchases 10 gb data and downloads the pirated torrent of a 8 gb game(quite possible at 100mbps no?), and a movie of 2 gb, his data amount of 10 gb will be over in 13 minutes and 20 seconds at full speed of 100 mbps just because of his urge of playing the game and watching the movie, which if he has a speed of say 5 mbps he may choose to not download the movie and save 2gb data as 'cushion data' for casual usage for the rest of the month.
The urge to watch the movie dies down in the time required to download the 8 gb game, and much to the surprise of the user he discovers that the movie was just unnecessary anyway and that the 2 gb can be used for other purposes.
Anyway, I'm just saying that mgcarley include data plan speed tiers as an additional option and not a compulsory one. The users are at full liberty to choose the speed they like at a same cost.

There is simply no point in us slowing the connection down - it's counter productive.

If you purchase a certain amount of data, you are free to use that in as little or as much time as you like, whether that's 80 seconds or 8000 hours.

Obviously, if you habitually go and download an 8GB game, it doesn't make sense for you to buy only 10GB worth of data, and it's your own issue if you don't purchase an amount appropriate to your usage, then you go ahead and choose to utilize the connection in that fashion.

If you're on a data plan, you as a user need to be reponsible for your usage - we can help by having a maximum bill size, otherwise why should we do all the policing?

admin said:
i am not sure if you are really looking for a response to this post.

the point is. there are two ways of handling this. either you buy pre-defined slabs. or you postpay as per your usage.

slabs has to make sense for the service provider. they have to be profitable to them. hayai does not seem to be catering to people who are happy with
Well, the best option then is to shake hands and forget everything, I'm ready for it
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