MTNL Triband Broadband Cannot open websites like hotmail and hi5 etc

  • Thread starter Thread starter ayuboy
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  • Replies Replies 51
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I am having this problem for the past 4 weeks that i am not able to open websites like Hotmail,Hi5, etc and there may be many more.I checked the pings for all the sites that i couldn't open the result was clean nice ping of about latency 300ms. I tried using different browsers and and even reformatted my pc but still have the same problem. Whenever i try to upload anything it does not upload and get disconnected frequently even though the adsl light is stable.When i called the costumer care they were not able to fix this problem and said thet it may be a problem at their end and will be fixed in about 2 days and it has been 22 days and the problem is not yet fixed.I use a Wireless modem from MTNL model T-KD 318-EW and when i used my friends modem it worked fine. I can't visit the websites from my laptop but from my friends house i can open those websies without any problem and no DCs(Dis Connects).I can download some files with an average downlload speed of 214kbps.When i try checking my download speed form it doesnt show and upload. Please help
Welcome to and Deepavali/Diwali greetings to you.
INFO: a) computer reformatted.
b)Adsl modem (?) + wireless T-Kd318_EW MTNL supplied
c)All websites ping nicely.
Problem : Websites do not open in different browsers.
Tested with another Modem working fine 214kbps does not open.
Solution : ?????
Technical Details
Could not find details of the modem/router you have mentioned in Google/Yahoo search.
Tried MTNL website above also.
Para two : Program your " T-KD 318_EW" In your friend's computer and check.
What is the modem you are using. The above seems to be a wireless router.
You have checked your system with his Modem ( Model make ?)
Para three:
Did you install JAVA after reformatting your harddisk ? ( using friend's modem)
I have the same problem. I installed T-KD-318-EW Wireless Router of MTNL Triband. After the installation I am unable to reach a few websites as well connect to MSN Messenger. While Yahoo Messenger still works. This happens from Wireless Client (My Laptop with MS Windows Vista) as well on the wired PC. This problem was not there until yesterday while I was using UT Star's wired Router. Will experiment more changes and will post solution. Manish
@ayuboy @ manishashar Assuming modem is the problem, If you can access your modem's programming pages look at pages listing services in Advanced http etc. try Any company name or any other detail about the modem , will enable us to check details by google/yahoo search.MSN/YaHoo Messenger are independent programs .Did you try OE ? Open IE under File see Offline is unchecked.
I dont know whats happening i havregistered co,mplaint at MTNL a billion times.I get the same reply"your pc has problem".I tried using different routers and it works it works guys i tell them a 100 billion times still they dont understand.I reformated my pc installed latest java and everything u can think of.
I am sick and tired of mtnl gosh when will i be able to acess my hotmail acc ??
More over i wanna play flyff again(

no upload too.Cant even upload anything .Now i get even sify is better than has given me lots of problems and made my life hell.I am think of changing my connection to airtel.Thanks guys if you can help me.

The company name is KASDA and although I did not find a router with the exact model number on Google, I found a router of the same company with similar model number....

kasda KD318 - Google Search

@essbebe: Hope this helps in your search mission ;)
@venkz Very good information. It is for the thread starter @ayuboyto respond and give more details.@ayuboy : Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire ! ( BSNL to Airtel !)Why not ask MTNL to replace the modem with some other make ?At least tell some more details for us to search the web. I think venkz is nearer to a solution.If we zero-in the manufacturer, get more details from their web site.Please post the DSL status First page screen shot , and the diagnostics page.May be this company has quoted U.S$1/less in latest tender and bagged the order from MTNL !!!! MTNL does not manufacture Wireless T-KD318-EW .
OMG i cannot upload anything or post my status page.It keeps on loaging forever and there is no datatransfer.And whenever i download my download also is killed after 10 minutes ie(80mb downlooad).I contacted MTNL a billion times and i get the reply Problem with compter and we cannot change your modem for no reason.
Please give some more details about your modem. I have been asking you Zillion times !

1.How did you access the modem? Id admin Password admin or password. or
If you access, note down /save all data details.. ( including services )
Since it is a wireless type modem security settings may not be correct.
2. Try ethernet port connection to computer.
3. Reset the modem and try entering the details again.
4. Start/ run type cmd type ipconfig/all . report details.
Update 1202 AM
Can you check settings like this in your modem ? access control beetel page
