Ubuntu 10.04 aka The Lucid Lynx launched!

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Wubi has been crapping out on me a bit too much in the recent times.

in one case, ubuntu installed using it simply stopped booting after i installed the latest series of patches. :D

---------- Post added at 10:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ----------

it was not that bad when it was not a default installation option in ubuntu and was a third party project. :D
Yes I had the same problem, but I found a fix on Launchpad, never had a problem after that. I guess that tells me that maybe I should hold on to update to 10.04 as well because I might get the same error as you did here.
1mbps makes this possible in HALF the TIME! :D

OHRLY??? I wonder how much time it will take on my recently-upgraded-from-512kbps-to-8mbps connection? :dance:
i get best results from france (ftp.free.fr or free.org mirrors) with my BSNL connection pretty much touching 8 mbps (800 KBps) sometimes hovering around 3 mbps and most of the time 5-7 mbps :)

---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

when it was on 512kbps i used to get full speed from multiple places like france, sweden, japan, south korea... totally avoid the US...

in fact even the main ubuntu archive recently seems to go at full 8mbps speed so i get the latest stuff without needing to wait for mirror to update itself...

and forget about (dis) "honesty" net svcs ubuntu mirror haha those scammers seem to be hand-in-hand with airtel fraudband :P

---------- Post added at 02:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------

best part is, while the download is in progress (taking say 15 min) i still have enough bandwidth to watch some youtube videos to kill the "boredom" / "impatience" (haha eat that airtel)... and my normal quota usage seems to be around 25-30 GB so i use up the rest of the 20 gb near the end of the month downloading "special" stuff :D

---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------

1/16th of the time!

EGGS-actly !!! So a 700 mb CD ISO which used to take nearly 4 hrs to get on 512 now takes about 15 min flat!
Ubuntu is getting so much stable these days. I find myself upgrading around alpha 2-3. Finally with all the bandwidth available, alphas and betas have never been more fun. :-) These days installing the updates takes much more time downloading them ;-).I have also recently fallen in love with KDE. With 4.4.X its memory/cpu usages are getting inline with gnome. The nepomuk and virtuoso can be naughty sometimes though...Glad to see a linux community from India. :)

With so much bandwidth, you guys must try out Rolling Release distros like Arch(Arch Linux) or Chakra Arch(The Chakra Project - Welcome). Completely cutting edge with daily updates. No more waiting for *Ubuntus, Fedoras etc to release updates every six month. No need to re-install your OS once you have installed it unlike non-rolling distros where they want us to format reinstall the OS on every release to avoid problems with old libs and apps. I was a happy Kubuntu user but now completely moved to Chakra Arch with latest kde 4.4.2 and latest linux kernel. Muaaa. :)
hehe. dude u gotta have time and resources to play around with so many distros. :D
Good to read about 10.04.My 9.10 died yesterday. Actually I logged in Ubuntu after 1 month, and tried to update through update manager. After update complete, and laptop was reboot, there was some DOS kind black screen with GRUB words. I was not able to boot Ubuntu. After several attempts, I uninstalled 9.10. (I installed 9.10 on Win 7 through WUBI).I hope 10.04 comes with complete WUBI support for Win 7(?)
same problem here. Wubi and Windows... Ubuntu stopped working after a full update. I believe it is related to the new kernel version that is delivered through the software updates. i don't trust Wubi as much as i used to when it was an unofficial project! integration with the mainstream Ubuntu has in fact ruined it :(
