Airtel Broadband to double broadband speeds by June 2010 #airtelsucks

  • Thread starter Thread starter AjayJP
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Airte sucks. I shifted from BSNL in October 2009 as Airtel was offering speeds of 512/1mbps in 1299. The connection worked great with no more than 1 downtime in a month, unlike bsnl which had like 1 downtime in a week.

Since May 2010 i started having problems. They started over charging for PC Secure services which was free. Since my bill used to be 1433 for past 5 - 6 months i called their helpline and was told that in June bill i will get the waiver and i should pay the amount. June bill came no waiver in that called them again got ticket number and the amount will be deducted in July bill. July bill came no discount again. I call them again and was put on hold for 20 mins and then disconnected. This happened 3 - 4 times. So wrote an email to [email protected] and no response on the query. I sent the mail again after 7 days they replied that according to their records no refund is to be made to my account.

I called their helpline. The guy was nice enough to listen to me for 10 mins and then give me a dis-connection request number. Got a call from Airtel on 30 July and the lady agreed to give a waiver of Rs 275 on next bill. I told her i don't believe what she says until and unless i get a fresh copy of bill i am not paying anything. After a few calls and on her assurance i paid the amount as she said my online account will show the waiver. I paid the bill of Rs 1500.

Now the real problem starts on 1st August. My speeds are not even 512kbps. Max download speed i can get is 45KBPS. Video streaming is slow. On top of this i get to know my friend was offered 1MBPS with 100 GB FUP in 1099 (his old plan) and now they have offered him 2 MBPS in 1699 with 20% discount in billing. He is on 1699 plan now. I called them that why my speed is no upgraded and they said sir we can shift you to new plan with 20GB FUP for double speeds blah blah...

So yesterday finally i lose my cool and called them up at 9 pm and told them the situation and they said they cannot offer the plan which my friend is using with 100 GB FUP and when i asked for disconnection the guy put me on hold for 20 mins and call got disconnected. It took my 5 calls and 1.5 hours just to get a request number for disconnection of service.

Even BSNL i had was better than this. I always knew BSNL customer support wont do anything, but atleast now they provide UNLIMITED internet access for Rs 750 (512kbps) without any hitch.
Yesterday for the first time, since they doubled my speed to 2 Mbps (about 1 month back), got speed problems. Download speed was between .3 and .5 Mbps, and connection stopped about 5 times over the day. :@Called 121, and today Engineer came. Told me that the firm ware of the modem had to be updated, as it hangs. He updated and voila my speeds are back. :thumb:Thought already they Fair Usage Policied me :P, as I downloaded some heavy anime over torrent in the last few days.
How long have you had the new speeds for?And how much have you downloaded since then?Only an estimate will do.I need to know as I have not been downloading much as I need to play stuff online on the playstation and don't know when they will FUP me.Any input would be appreciated.
Double speed since mid July, after refusing it several times.Downloaded about 50+ GB excluding upload since new billing cycle.When I refused the speed upgrade, because of lowered FUP, I was told that the double speed is only for 5 GB every month, and then it will go back to my old plan,of 1Mbps with 100 GB FUP (Freedom 1699).From then onwards the speed upgrade stayed continuously. As I love anime, my downloads are quite heavy. The last anime downloaded had 38.7 GB.The only problem is that because of doubled speed, I will have to purchase further hard disks lolFilled already about 1 TB, since taking Airtel.
So your upgraded speeds have stayed even though you have downloaded+uploaded more than 50 GB's in one month?That would do me just fine.Thanks for the reply.

Yes Mohit.
It has maybe to do with my communication with airtel.
When they phoned me to tell me that my speed would be doubled,
I refused, as they told me (after me asking) that my Fair Usage Policy would be 25 GB.
This happened 2 or 3 times.
Then they doubled my speed, without informing me, and I immediately objected with 121,
and also send an email to wecare.

Wecare send me an email back, and as their message was not absolutely clear,
I again complained to 121, to make it clear that I am not interested in any change of plan, specifically if it involves change to a lower Fair Usage Policy.
Then 121 clarified that my plan will stay as it is, but they will provide me with double speed from their side for 5 GB. Then I would be back to my old plan. I agreed.

Here too many members are too keen on speed, which is in my opinion nonsense, as with 1 Mbps I was seeing comfortably Youtube videos, and some TV programs over Internet.
If you show them that your main intent is speed, why they should not use this against you? You get speed, they can give you lower Fair Usage Policy. Win-Win :rofl:
I have an email with my detailed plan in it.From about 6 months back.If they FUP me the worst they can do is to 1 Mbps.If they downgrade it further is when I'll need to make the call.
well i am on 1999 2mbps UL plan .. MY speed was never fup'd , i got msg from airtel sayin ill get free double speed upgrad.. 4mbps night 2mbps day but night fup till 15gb .. 2mbps will remain 2mbps as per cc. speed hasnt been upgraded yet .. lets wait and see now
My speed has been upgraded to 2mbps from past 5days,first day i assumed that it is because of speedburst,but after 3days it is constant at 2mbps, i have downloaded about 15gb already i dont know how much is the FUP.
