Apple App Store downloads are super slow on Airtel Broadband

wow. had no idea india had the costliest bandwidth on this planet. and i have to look for sources for this myself! amazing!
Here..look at a link below. $10per Mbps per month is the typical price an ISP pays for limit on data transfer. ISPs don't get this price so they have to fix a fair-usage cap, much lower because of high costs of spectrum, cable etc. Which worsens if you have limited or no content here, but have to get it from elsewhere. Sounds ok now?

The Relative Cost of Bandwidth Around the World
I think I would move to Greenland for cheaper Internet.
well i do know that cloudflare has planned to open a datacenter in india for a long time because indians account for a large percentage of their users. and they have not because they find bandwidth here quite expensive.

but i really find it hard to believe that india has the most expensive bandwidth on this planet. sure use it as a figure of speech. but factually it is an incorrect statement.

in the end, the bulk pricing does not matter. competition changes everything. i am paying 1250 for 4mbps unlimited to reliance. i am also paying around 1100 to airtel for 5GB at 4mbps. the cost per GB on these two services is so different, you do not even need to account for the wholesale price of the bandwidth.

i easily consume more than 200gb on my reliance connection so the cost per gb comes to around 6 rupees. i think it's pretty darn cheap. airtel charge more than 100 rupees on their smartbytes plan. bandwidth on 3G costs rs. 350 per gb. bandwidth costs around the same on 4g in india.

i am out of this thread because this is going completely offtopic.
I think cloudfare had concluded that Australia has the largest relative cost of bandwidth a while back. Is this the same report?
well i do know that cloudflare has planned to open a datacenter in india for a long time because indians account for a large percentage of their users. and they have not because they find bandwidth here quite expensive.

but i really find it hard to believe that india has the most expensive bandwidth on this planet. sure use it as a figure of speech. but factually it is an incorrect statement.

in the end, the bulk pricing does not matter. competition changes everything. i am paying 1250 for 4mbps unlimited to reliance. i am also paying around 1100 to airtel for 5GB at 4mbps. the cost per GB on these two services is so different, you do not even need to account for the wholesale price of the bandwidth.

i easily consume more than 200gb on my reliance connection so the cost per gb comes to around 6 rupees. i think it's pretty darn cheap. airtel charge more than 100 rupees on their smartbytes plan. bandwidth on 3G costs rs. 350 per gb. bandwidth costs around the same on 4g in india.

i am out of this thread because this is going completely offtopic.

Ok bye -bye me too ! but read this last one since you are a moderator too

Cost per GB, how long does that take to download? If you say a bullock cart is cheaper than a plane,
so it is ! How many times can you do that ?

Wholesale prices will be lower than retail, or the ISP is rationing stuff to you,
by loading more users for the capacity.
so how do you get 200gb for Rs 1250? You must be leaving things ON overnight
to download movies, etc. I am speaking of costs for normal day-time people
- simple app downloads, short videos during a break, etc
This is the topic, you shouldn't be needing to fix host files, set DNSs...not for normal folks.
Trying to get a point across, sorry to have bothered you, but kuch bhi ? !
So long :)

I think cloudfare had concluded that Australia has the largest relative cost of bandwidth a while back. Is this the same report?
I haven't checked, will start another thread and post better researched stuff.
I was rying to get a price check using the available stuff, which is in the ball park
I know the transit costs $10 worldwide, and lot more for Indian ISPs since they have to get those bytes
from SGP. etc using undersea cables.
Hosting in India is improving by the day, but lack of transit points, exchanges
take the costs through the roof.

so the RCA (root cause analysis) for the slow app store downloads is some server going out of capacity
in India, folks. changed DNS and got redirected elsewhere to other servers which work fine,
but the ISPs would rather have them served from India or network-close to them for cost reasons. Right?
So will Apple pay for the higher cost of delivery in India? I guess they don't and someone must be cutting corners.
Google must be managing its capacity itself, never saw them CDN'ed by anyone else
Hi just for yesterday and today (I've Airtel broadband) the downloading of apps/apps update from the Apple appstore has been extremely slow!

Even to download 6-7 mb is taking 30 minutes or more. I have 16mbps plan.

Is there anyone else with Airtel broadband who is having the same issue? Kindly assist. Thanks!

Yes ! Same problem here, complained to Airtel about the same two days back. According to them their network is fine and I should call Apple support, asked them why the apps are updating on 3/4g they have no answer.
