Hayai Broadband Launch Today (October 26 2011)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sushubh
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That too, but the launch will cover Mumbai almost entirely, just, most of it will be given copper connections until such time as our fiber is deployed across the rest of the city.

Humm now here i hove got a question. Whats is installation charge ur going to charge for giving by copper? Rs1100(including taxes) or Rs500. Consider u charge Rs500 for a copper connection, when u have fiber ready will u apply installation charge say like another Rs600 so it would be Rs1100 r what like ru going to charge. Please tell ur stand on this!
Humm now here i hove got a question. Whats is installation charge ur going to charge for giving by copper? Rs1100(including taxes) or Rs500. Consider u charge Rs500 for a copper connection, when u have fiber ready will u apply installation charge say like another Rs600 so it would be Rs1100 r what like ru going to charge. Please tell ur stand on this!

It depends on who is conducting the installation. If it's an actual Hayai-owned network where we've purchased the assets of some cable operator, then we may charge some nominal fee of like Rs500 as you've mentioned. In the case that we have not purchased the cable operator and you're receiving our services through them, then I would guess that they will levy whatever charge they levy already.

As for upgrades, I have considered a few scenarios. Obviously it's better from our side if we do charge the Rs600, but, maybe it should depend on the upgrade.

If it's a forced upgrade (we have to rip out the existing copper because it's too problematic), then no charge should be applied.
If it's an optional upgrade, then the charge should be applied.

Then there's also the question of the length of time the person has been a customer. For example, an upgrade after 2 years (assuming the copper lasted that long) should probably attract a charge whereas an upgrade after 2 months probably should not.

I know, this seems like reverse logic to "penalize" loyal customers but I think it's reasonable in the respect that any other product would have a warranty period such that if the product goes defective after say 6 months, it gets replaced at no charge, but if it goes defective after 3 years then it's outside the warranty period and a charge would be levied etc etc. Besides, who knows what we'll be offering 2 years from now.

What do you all think? What sounds fair to you?
I know the question is not addressed to me, but if you ask me, then you should not charge for a forced upgrade (as you said, or you'll piss off customers) and you should offer a discount depending on the duration of the customer. Say a person who has a connection for 6 months is charged Rs 600 (full upgrade charge) a customer for 1 year 500 ( some discount) and a customer who has been a customer for say 2 or more years, you should give a large discount, or waiver off the charges completely (similar to not issuing any charges to people who sign a 12 or 24 month contract when taking the service)
I know the question is not addressed to me, but if you ask me, then you should not charge for a forced upgrade (as you said, or you'll piss off customers) and you should offer a discount depending on the duration of the customer. Say a person who has a connection for 6 months is charged Rs 600 (full upgrade charge) a customer for 1 year 500 ( some discount) and a customer who has been a customer for say 2 or more years, you should give a large discount, or waiver off the charges completely (similar to not issuing any charges to people who sign a 12 or 24 month contract when taking the service)

Of course the question is addressed to you. And everyone else.

As for the discount for long-term customers, as I mentioned, I know it seems like reverse logic to charge them but the issue is this - after a certain period of time (let's use 2 years as an arbitrary timeframe), it's kind of like buying a new product altogether - or a new version thereof, and it seems more in line with any other product that someone who has been using a service for 2 or more years should probably pay for the upgrade.

But it seems that we're basically in agreement that, if it's absolutely required to continue using the service (because the copper network is being depreciated) the customer shouldn't pay to upgrade - better still if they are willing to sign up for a 12 or 24 month contract at that time too.
I have done that already. Magarpatta and a couple of hotspots nearby and Paud Road.

Magarpatta is out of the question for me right now. :(

What about providing connections over copper to almost all of Pune (after you get the license) like you're going to do for Mumbai?
Magarpatta is out of the question for me right now. :(

What about providing connections over copper to almost all of Pune (after you get the license) like you're going to do for Mumbai?

Not sure yet. If possible, then maybe... but to be honest, I don't even really like the idea of doing it in Mumbai. The only reason that it is happening this way here is that there are a few reasons that I *have* to do it that way to start with (I've already been in to most of them in previous posts).

Yes. Despite the website being (still) butt ugly, registrations will open at midnight.

is that today?
In areas without fiber coverage, copper is better than nothing at all! Everywhere (not just in Mumbai)!
is that today?

No. Diwali.

Copper is better than nothing at all! Everywhere (not just in Mumbai)!

Yes and no. Our reputation rides on a lot more than speed. Reliability and good customer service are important aspects of Hayai too but we can't provide either of those things on infrastructure that's not ours, and I'm worried that the cable operators involved could very easily ruin the whole experience for everyone.

Using Copper (whether ours or not) does help our numbers though, and the theory that's been put forward to me is that with the numbers comes more assistance in the form of people with power and money and access to be able to build stuff, thus facilitating and accelerating our expansion. It's a tricky game because everyone will of course want their piece of the pie.

This afternoon I was asked by Ripunjay why I was even bothering to worrying about a couple of things (legal stuff, financial stuff) when we have perfectly well qualified people handling all of that, and it turns out that some people think I don't delegate enough. Unfortunately I gave him an answer that I wasn't satisfied with: that I need to be pedantic and if I'm not involved in every facet then I'm basically redundant!

I delegate tasks, for sure, but things need to be done my way (not necessarily the method, but the result) and I need to approve of almost everything - after all, I'm the main person who will be responsible for Hayai's success, and in order for Hayai to succeed I'm sure that I need to retain firm control over what's going on in all aspects of the business otherwise we'll just end up becoming "yet another" player with nothing different about us and the exercise will be basically pointless.
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