Recommend a cordless phone


MTNL Triband 999 Unlimited
Hey,This is after a long time and there is a very good reason for that. My triband connection was down for 4 days...and as usual the MTNL helpine was not helpful. I went to the MTNL bldg (luckily its 2 lanes away) and spoke to the guy in charge there. Surprise surprise...the "technician" was at my home that same evening. Unfortunately I wasn't...but my parents were and this is what he told them.:(:("You have to many cordless phones in the house". He then proceeded to disconnect the 2 cordless phones and apparently the internet started working?!?!?!:confused:He then proceeded to give advice saying the electrician should meet him and get the first access to the phone line to the modem and then the rest of the phones!:ashamed:Questions:-1.) I was using the same internet connection with the same phones for 6 months now... How come the problem suddenly?2.) Will putting splitters on each of my phone lines solve this problem?3.) Do I really need to do anything at all since I have now connected my cordless phones back and it still works?!!!!!!!:wall::wall:God help those who try for help from MTNL!:mad:
ok after ur reply i looked at it........ but i need to know what are the problems with the beetel phones.....and which one i should go for....Panasonic or beetel...??
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@kickass...why so....even iam planning to buy a beetel one....plz tell me what problem u have faced....??
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x720...could u jus define the problm that u hav faced with the beetel....

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I'd got a beetel fixed line phone some time back and it went kaput in just over a year, heck, even bsnl's iti equipment has lasted longer than that. Hence, I'd say stay away from beetel.
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