Ubuntu 7.10 is the hotness :)

  • Thread starter Thread starter vishalrao
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to prevent ubuntu from hanging i had to disable hdparm, powernowd, cupsys. it is now stable since over a month.i am also facing the same issue as apoorv.. unable to logout/shutdown.. have to ctrl+al+bkspace everytimethe noapic option will disable compiz too
got my ubuntu cds after long time :happy: that too with four ubuntu stickers
@bandaDo you have hardware similar to me? Because somehow I have a gut feeling that this is just lack of RAM. And could you help me out? Could you tell me how and exactly which services to disable. I have disabled many services from the GUI tool, but they still run on startup.
so you folks with the hanging problem havent tried the kernel boot parameters such as "noapic", "nolapic" and/or "acpi=off" ? neatofyi, im repeating this, ubuntu and fedora (but not opensuse) hang on my tablet unless i add "noapic" to the kernel boot parameter in grub's menu.lst file and also before booting the live cd for installation.if the live cd installation worked without hanging, its not likely to be kernel boot param, but its worth a shot...
Ubuntu (7.04) hangs in a VM too (a couple of times in the last few days - both with firefox on). Seems to be some random phenomenon.
it hasn't got hung for me yet...though when i open something like synaptic or update manager, the mouse gets stuck for a cpl of seconds...
i posted it already earlier ... do "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst", look for the line "#kopt=" add "noapic" to the end of it... save and exit, then run "sudo update-grub"
