Hayai Broadband Launch Today (October 26 2011)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sushubh
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It's mostly negotiations and testing at the moment - by which I mean billing systems and the like. We should be able to get pretty much anywhere in Mumbai now, Pune is growing stronger, and there's a small network in Hyderabad which I need to check out to see if we'll buy it or not. NCR is still a mess, but we should be able to do at least Hayai Lite in some areas.

At the moment, to the best of my knowledge we're still on track to be receiving our final licensing papers before Diwali. I will be coming back to India from this month until at least October to ensure that everything else is in line and to sign off on the bank deposit for the license.

Sounds great. Let me hope someone has connection before ending this year.
Sounds great. Let me hope someone has connection before ending this year.
Feeling the same myself.
mgcarley : Any updates on your network status in Bangalore ?

No. We're concentrating on launching right now.
I know this is an old question but, whatever government entity was the problem (The MHA or something) is it resolved now?
I know this is an old question but, whatever government entity was the problem (The MHA or something) is it resolved now?

So far, so good. We've now applied for our own license instead of piggybacking on others, so that's expected to come around September or early October, we hope just in time for a Diwali launch.

I do appreciate you spending time on this forum but if you're here for just chitchat i think its meaningless & some1 should ban you.

I have a Doubt whether you can provide atlest 2 mbps unlimited connection, i do want higher speeds like 10 mbps but unlimited.

Well your presence is just felt on forums & twitters but in reality you still don't seem to do anything i guess.

Launching a Broadband Service is not so easy if you have footprints on Global Level. And in now a days when there is no place to stand in metros , Laying cables is hitting your head on wall.

For Us to click a button and connect to internet ISP providers had to do a lot many things.

and 10 mbps unlimited ?? Wt are you planning to do with this speed buddy ;)
gr8 things to do, but such high speed would come up with high costing.So, I plan it this way.1. For Learing and Sharing - Internet2. For Entertainment - Theatres and Original DVDs3. To keep in Touch with Family - Video Call (Only benefit for me after 3G Launch):)
I do appreciate you spending time on this forum but if you're here for just chitchat i think its meaningless & some1 should ban you.

Apart from talking about Hayai and answering questions, I'm here to share my experiences the same as you all are. I don't think that's an offense, and banning me would kind of go against the whole purpose of the forum.

I have a Doubt whether you can provide atlest 2 mbps unlimited connection, i do want higher speeds like 10 mbps but unlimited.

We doubt we can provide a 2mbit/s unlimited connection either, because we don't have such a plan. As speeds get higher and higher, Fair Usage Policies on residential lines will become ever more prevalent - this is a worldwide trend, not just an Indian one. If you want a 10mbit/s line where you can max it out 24/7, please consider purchasing a leased line instead of residential broadband. Otherwise, if, despite your "heavy usage" (this differs for everybody), you're going to stay within reason (couple hundred GBs a month), then you have no reason to worry anyway.

Well your presence is just felt on forums & twitters but in reality you still don't seem to do anything i guess.

I have Twitter etc at my disposal at almost all times, so that I can be available at almost any time to reply to comments and such, however that does not translate to me sitting on my backside twiddling my thumbs. I spend countless hours pouring over numbers, in conference calls, making arrangements and negotiating, holding meetings - even the actual digging, running cables and server configuration is something I wouldn't consider to be beneath me.

Hayai is my business and while I've kind of taken on this default role as the public face of the company, you also seem to forget that I'm not the only one involved. The simple fact is, even after the launch, few people - if any - are going to recognize the people all over the show who have helped financially, politically, technically and provided moral and personal support in my times of need, nor the team on the ground who will be handling the customers and doing the actual installations. And let's not forget the infinite amount of patience afforded to me by my fiancee for that matter.

Suffice it to say, I'm suspect a lot more involved in my business than the Ambanis, Sunil or Ratan are, let alone any of the Babus sitting in their comfortable offices at BSNL or MTNL, and as such I find the notion that you seem to think I "do nothing" somewhat offensive.
I know Europe is Far ahead of us, also other asian & middleast countries, they provide unlimited BB to real end users and faster speeds.
Our india is still unable to provide 2mbps at cheaper rates.

Faster speeds are not the problem. It's the consumption of data and the way it's used differs between countries.

Hayai is modeled on European ISPs, and on my personal experiences having lived in or spent extended periods of time in most of the countries in Europe.

But even in Europe, MOST ISPs in MOST countries have got FUPs. Even Japan. Even Singapore. Even SK. And so on.

Unlimited is basically a farce - I've read so many legal documents from all around the world and experienced the services in enough countries that I can assure you that if you took a residential line in any country and maxed it out 24/7, you'd be capped or have your account suspended fairly quickly.
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