Hayai Broadband Launch Today (October 26 2011)

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To put things in perspective, At 1299+taxes, I get free calls, IPTV also. If I just want 1 Mbps broadband, I can get MTNL 999 plan which is half of 2000 that you are comparing....

No!!! Things are not in perspective my dear friend.

To put things in perspective, At 1299+taxes+Electricity bill for keeping your computer running to download same amount of data, I get free calls, IPTV also. If I just want 1 Mbps broadband, I can get MTNL 999 plan which is almost same as paying Rs 2000 that you are comparing in the long run....

There.. fixed that one for you.
I haven't read the whole thread so I apologise if answered already.

Will you be launching in delhi this Diwali?

If yes, what will the unlimited plan cost? Reasonable FUP, I hope...

I currently pay 1299+ taxes for 1 Mbps "unlimited"

Delhi: not at Diwali. Jan or Feb 2012 or so we are expecting to roll in to NCR.

Our flat-rate* plans range from Rs2k (20mbit/s) up to Rs5k (1,000mbit/s).
*Flat-rate does not mean "unlimited": it refers to price, not usage. As such, we expect you to use the network responsibly. For those that were unsure of what "responsibly" means, we published some numbers to give a rough idea. You can go over them, but just don't go crazy.

So just how "unlimited" is your "unlimited" plan?

2000+taxes(?) is a little pricey for a residential connection.

I'll be okay with 1500 including taxes for 2 MBPS, 125-150 GB FUP

See my sig: speed doesn't cost, data does.

As of now, a plan at Rs1,500 would come with an FUP equating to quite a bit less than our "rule of thumb" FUPs that are out there at the moment (due to the increased percentage of the cost of the infrastructure as compared to the total price of the plan).

But since we're covering the Rs650-2000 price bracket with data plans anyway, you're better off with one of those - for that money, you could get 100GB at up to 1gbit/s for Rs1,550 (and no, reducing the speed to 1 or 2mbit/s would not reduce the price - I still have to pay the same amount for the cabling and equipment, irrespective of what speed I offer you the service at).

I guess the discussion is mute since they are not launching in delhi anytime soon.

20 Mbps sounds sweet but still 2000 is a bit much for normal users. JMO...

Frankly, we're not going for "normal" users with these plans. We have plans suited to "normal" users between Rs299 & Rs649 including tax per month, which are still relatively fast (up to 54mbit/s), but wireless (so are more likely to average about 10mbit/s), with data caps ranging from 5 to 30GB per month, or our Fiber plans starting at Rs550 + usage (at Rs10/GB).

I really don't understand your logic, you are paying 1300 + taxes (so that's I assume around 1400) for 1 MBPS "fake" unlimited, you want 2 MBPS in 1500 + taxes (that would be 1600..) but you are getting 20 MBPS for 2000 including taxes with 200 GB non-strict FUP so if for some reason in July you feel the need to download 40 blu ray movies you can easily do it without thinking about your FUP and then just stay below 200 GB next month, and that's just 400 more than your 1600 thing. Pretty strange.

Also, "FUP" aside, our 20mbit/s plan works out cheaper than MTNL's 2mbit/s plan in Delhi (just) - we're 1812+tax, they're 1899+tax ;)

The 'cheapo' plan you are referring to is out of reach for most average Indians in metro cities. I'm not talking about tier-2 cities here.

1500 rupees per month is not cheap for middle class people in indian metros.

Without respect to where you live (whether a metro or a tier-2 city or elsewhere), as a percentage of the income for what is considered "middle class" in this country as of 2010, it's perfectly affordable. If you're earning less than that, you're not middle-class, and if that's the case then I would agree that our service is not affordable.

However, there are other operators in India who will service your needs in the sub-1000 price bracket, as they seem to fit in to what the existing providers already offer, and lucky for you, there are well over 100 such operators nationwide.

I honestly can live with 2 Mbps speeds. At that speed YouTube videos load well enough. Enough for me.

In our world, our focus is not on price, it's on service. If you can live with 2mbit/s, then awesome for you. But we and many others can't. Putting aside all other variables (price, FUP etc), 2mbit/s is by any standard nothing short of slow, and we're simply not interested in providing such speeds when there are already companies like MTNL and Airtel to do just that for you.

To put things in perspective, At 1299+taxes, I get free calls, IPTV also. If I just want 1 Mbps broadband, I can get MTNL 999 plan which is half of 2000 that you are comparing....

So take that only - nobody will force Hayai on to you. This is the joy of having a choice :)

I'm sorry but 1500 per month is not lower end of market.

You're right, it's not. We do offer plans in that price bracket (and lower), but they are not flat-rate/unlimited. Our goal has been to bring European-quality/speed Internet to India, which is looking to be very much possible now. Unfortunately for you, this comes with European pricing as well. We're unfortunately not yet at the level of HK and Japan whereby we could offer 100mbit/s unlimited for Rs1k.

I guess it isn't.

If IPTV & free calls are included in 2000 plan, it makes sense for me. Otherwise NOT.

Hayai's name literally means "speed", so if you are unable to see our value proposition, you are welcome to stay with your existing provider until such time as you can justify switching over to us. I think we'll one day be able to offer cheaper prices, but even I can't guess what they will be 12, 24, 36 months from now.
I also used to feel the same about getting unlimited... Until, over a period of time after discussion in the forum & after various questions & points raised in the forum & the answers given, I realized I was looking at Hayai from the wrong angle. I was always asking the question how much I will have to pay $$$ to get unlimited without really evaluating how much I needed, or use, or how much I could surely manage with.... But then I turned the table around, and calculated that I would probably use 50 GB ..to a maximum of 100 GB .... and then asked how much will Hayai cost me for that & the answer was between 1000-1500 & then it was the "Eureka" moment for me :D
To put things in perspective, At 1299+taxes, I get free calls, IPTV also. If I just want 1 Mbps broadband, I can get MTNL 999 plan which is half of 2000 that you are comparing....

I'm sorry but 1500 per month is not lower end of market.

I guess it isn't.

If IPTV & free calls are included in 2000 plan, it makes sense for me. Otherwise NOT.

pudu u have the excuse the slightly off reply u are getting from many members but these are topics we have gone over like hundreds & hundreds of times before & its started sticking us like a thorn now... I will try to answer some of your questions to the best of my knowledge...

1. You seem to be still stuck with the mentality of having the word "UNLIMITED" written on ur plan for it to appel to you... Hayai & MG are trying to go a bit against that that mentality so his plans might not appel to you right away...

2. You are focusing entirely on the 2k/mo 20Mbps plan... What you need to really look into is the data plan from Hayai rather than the flat rate plan... Its 550/mo maintenance + Rs10/GB...Now I know u will say but that will turn up so costly for me when I start downloading 24/7... But look at the other features Hayai is offering...
a) A bill limiter(so u dont get a surprise 13K bill like got in my 1st month of BSNL broadband)
b) 1Gbps speeds & rock bottom latency for those instant streaming of those videos
c) Hayai zone... This is where it gets interesting... MG is trying to cache many online services like youtube,Steam,software updates so that u get instant download/streaming plus the usage wont be counted in your monthly data bills... Also he will be setting up a private torrent tracker so that many of ur torrent downloads will be included in the hayai zone (there is a slight procedure to follow here)... Also with DC++ we will be allowed to share data with other hayai users which will make ur download capacity so much higher with instant downloads & vast library to chose from... IF u dont know much about DC++ just ask some of the users of fivenet in mumbai... They have like 150TB(yes u read it right TBs) of data available on dc++...Imagine the kind of data Hayai dc++ will have once hayai is able to expand its network to numerous cities...

3. As it is Hayai is not coming to delhi immediately so u have a chance to w8 & see what kind of reviews Hayai gets in Mumbai before having to make a choice... If u still dont like it by then,noone is actually gonna force u to take a Hayai connection... You are free to chose the ISP u like :)...

4.You made a point that 1500-2000 is a lot to pay for internet for a lot of household & you are absolutely right... But these households also cannot afford the electricity bill of a computer running 24/7 & for these household Hayai has its lite plans with will give u ~8Mbps speed with a decent data limit at a very decent cost(I think the 30GB plan is for 650 including taxes which also allows u 60GB from the hayai zone)...

PS I am expecting my Hayai bill to be less than 1k/mo(thats the limit I m gonna set)...
PSS IPTV in its current form really sucks balls so it should not be much of a decision changer :P...
----------------But then you cant blame us people, across all industries or everywhere we have been used to wrong billing & unknowingly choosing high-charging plans/packages or over-charging.... such that anything other than unlimited or possible extra charge scares us to death....------------------

But then you cant blame us people, across all industries or everywhere we have been used to wrong billing & unknowingly choosing high-charging plans/packages or over-charging.... such that anything other than unlimited or possible extra charge scares us to death....


Absolutely. 100%. Agree. Which is why we've tried to implement things (like bill limiters, electronic receipts and traceable transactions etc) to stop these sorts of things from happening, and we've always asked you for ideas on what else we can feasibly do to be even better :)

Not to mention that we won't have anything like random activation of VAS to eat that extra Rs30 a month for some freaking callertune you didn't want and didn't even subscribe to! (Ahem. Yes. I'm bitter - you've probably seen instances where I've gone off at cellular companies on Twitter - especially when random services get activated while I'm abroad and as such it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to activate such services).

Not want to go offtopic ... but just yesterday , I had to call up Aircel to convince them that my dad had not requested for itemized billing for calls & that they should knock off the Rs.30 :| ... So yeah, we have all been in the same boat one time or the other... And for anyone interested to know....yeah ..regarding the charges they agreed to reverse after some convincing...
Now if someone could answer my question that I asked 3 pages ago.. :P
Steam: Welllll that breaks my dreams a little bit but if the people at Valve are not lazy (which I think they are seeing their track records with release dates... they just call the delays "Valve Time" to make it fancy) it should be good.

What about other things? Origin? Twitter/Facebook/G+(when its open for all)? Windows Updates? iTunes maybe?
Now if someone could answer my question that I asked 3 pages ago.. :P

I dont know about the other services but I think MG already mentioned long ago software updates like java,windows etc will be cached in hayai zone... I think caching itunes might not be posible (not sure)... Apple does not like anyone else between Apple & its customers :P... Its kind of a prude & does not approve of threesomes :D ...
transparent proxies should be able to cache popular downloads that are requested frequently by the users of an ISP. hayai can probably have something similar in the middle. cache the popular downloads of the day/week and make them available from local cache. local ISPs have been doing it for a long time now.
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